Military AI Commander and Factions Questions

  1. 9 years ago

    ALiVE Team,

    As always, I'll start by saying I love your work. Having a blast with it and I see infinite potential when it comes to future mission design.

    Ill just get right to it...

    1. MILTARY AI Commander Module: In the override factions line, how am i supposed to enter the factions (using the African Conflict mod)...





    If quotes aren't needed, recommend correcting the pop up help box.

    2. Recommend starting a repository for tried and tested inputs for faction mods....that way we could simply copy from it and then insert it to an existing staticdata.sqf on our local machines. For example, the ALiVE wiki says that the faction name i should be using instead of the one shown above is...


    However, the modders page on armaholic says we should be using " mas_afr_ind".

    Is this where the staticdata.sqf comes into play?

    If we don't use the staticdata.sqf, will our faction mods work correctly? Essentially, do we have to have the staticdata.sqf in our scripts to make the mods listed on the wiki (known to work page) work correctly?

  2. BUMP

  3. highhead

    3 Nov 2014 Administrator

    Ad. 1. Its pretty flexible, IND_F,OPF_G_F or "IND_F","OPF_G_F" or even ["IND_F","OPF_G_F"] will work

    Ad. 2. Staticdata. You shouldnt have the staticData.sqf in your mission at all, just pick the entry that you want to override, and put in your init.sqf like f.e.
    [ALIVE_sideDefaultSupports, "CIV", ["yourCustomClass_1","yourCustomClass_2"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;

    About factions, i suggest to look up the correct faction names with config viewer in editor they should be listed in CfgFactions (iirc). Or just put use "faction player" in debug console.

    hope that helps

  4. yes it does highhead, thank you for taking the time.


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