Vilayer Server Issues

  1. 9 years ago


    I've been trying to get persistence working on our server for several days now. We've tracked the issue to an issue with the IP or Groupname, according to the server rpt file. Reading the file in the @aliveserver folder hasn't given us any result, other than confirming that we are having issues with the IP. I have gotten the aliveserver.log from vilayer, but I think it's not the right one or its not recording correctly, as other logs I've looked at seem to provide much more information. If I need to look in a particular place for the rest of the information, please let me know.

    aliveplugin.txt -
    server rpt -
    aliveserver.log -

  2. If it helps, the map we are running is Sangin. Not sure if that would have any effect on the persistence, but I'm not sure what else it could be. Vilayer keeps telling me that is the only IP the server could be communicating on, but I've talked to some people that the IP it actually contacted the War Room on was different. I'm trying to figure out if there is some log somewhere that would log that IP for me to see, either in a server .rpt or an ALiVE log.