I did try this and some other way and it does not work.
I can't get the right count of player close to "Mark" then get it subtracted from the Alive entities count.
I placed 2 ALIVE groups, then the player himself into the 1000 meters area.

_playerCount = {isPlayer _x} count playableUnits;

hint format ["Active players count is %1 .",_playerCount]; // give 1

sleep 4;

_playerClose = {isPlayer _x} count (position player nearEntities ["Mark", 1000]);

hint format ["%1 player(s) supporting AAF forces.",_playerClose]; // give 0

sleep 2;

_number = count ([getposATL Mark, 1000, ["GUER","entity"]] call ALIVE_fnc_getNearProfiles);

_result = (_number - _playerClose);

sleep 2;

if (_result > 1)
then {
hint format ["There are %1 AAF squads.",_result]}
else {
hint format ["There is %1 AAF squad left.",_result]
}; // give 3

My code must be wrong anyway but still i can't see where :x.