Edited 8 years ago by Justin298

So today I updated to 1.58 for Arma 3, and updated to 1.4 for ALiVE. My ALiVE was working great yesterday with zero problems. Now I am having only one problem so far with the updates. When I try to place custom OPFOR units that are supported in ALiVE. I am currently using CUP units such as CUP_O_TK_MILITIA and CUP_I_TK_GUE. I can't seem to get any OPFOR factions in general to work. Even just the basic OPFOR factions won't work. I keep getting the error, CUP_I_TK_GUE doesn't exist or is spelled wrong, please check to make sure its infantry, air, sea, and all that nonsense. Is there any fixes or some way of making this work again?
Edit: Civilian Factions work just fine, and there modules. It seems to be the OPCOM ones. When I try to edit the AI commander in Asymmetric they stop working. But If I leave them alone and not edit any options they seem to work. But how do I make it so its fully functional again?