Hello there!
Im having issues which have been detailed before but unfortunately I cant find a fix for :(
So I am trying to make an ALiVE mission using the Iron Front Maps & Units, I have checked the Wiki and it is fully supported.
However, no matter what I do the red side (OpFor Side) only ever spawn as CSAT. Ive tried everything and read every forum post and cant seem to come up with a solution
The following problems can be discounted
- all modules are pointed towards the right factions, with force faction/override faction etc set to the ones I would like to use (IFA Russian & Russian Tank Troops)
- there are no typos or case sensitive issues
- and strangely enough it spawns the right faction for blufor the wehrmacht faction, but just not for opfor
Please help!
(Ive attached the mission file for troubleshooting)
Thanks in advance!! :)
Mission File
EDIT : Just extensively looked through the mission file, and whilst I can see it defines blufor factions as the wehrmacht it doesnt have anything for the russians the only mention of their faction is in the milstar module, p.s. this was read with the eyes of a somewhat noob so may not be of any use!