Looking for feedback on a showcase mission

  1. 7 years ago

    I spent 2 hours playing this map this evening. It really helps improve Tanoa from what BI kicked out the door.

    That said, I think there is a major problem with ALiVE and vehicle placement/movement. I took my team to Yasa island to take it from CSAT and since ALiVE noticed I was fighting enemies there both CSAT and NATO rushed the island with gunboats, beached them on the shore and moved to take the hill.

    I would normally overlook this but when you go around an island and see 7 beached gunboats...

    Maybe this could be solved by making the AI gunboats patrol only and limiting the AI to use the more regular rubber boats for operations.

    All in all I look forward to playing this more, hopefully . Do you have dedicated server instructions?

  2. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @hardly I didn't place very many boats for the player. There are two "docks" worth on each end of the BLU held island. I highly doubt this is where they are coming from.

    I'd just about guarantee they are from the feature that lets groups use boats to cross water. And as Friznit said, if they are designed to despawn or get cleaned up, I don't think they'd cause much of an issue long term. That said, I haven't looked at it yet.

    One thing to keep in mind with most of the missions I make. These are designed for long term persistent play. For example, my insurgencies could feasibly take weeks. Or maybe longer. Remember, we've been in Afghanistan 16 years. I give the players tools for long term persistent play. You might not need what I give you now, but you might after 20 hours.

    Obviously, I'm always looking for feedback and certainly don't mind toning empty vehicles and stuff like that down if that's what should be done to keep players on the edge of their seats. So let me know and I'll do my best and check out the link I sent you in the other thread. I think you'll make good use of it.

  3. 5 years ago

    Hi @HeroesandvillainsOS, been playing your Tanoa Showcase and it works well and my group wanted a similar campaign style mission on the Anizay map which i also thought was a good idea. small enough for a small team to put some good hours into.

    I started by just copying everything from the Tanoa mission onto the Anizay map and then spent time repositioning all the Blue_F assets and the ALiVE modules, I have the Green Area North West where most of the larger towns are and the green fields so where most of the civilian population would be. Blue_F has the North East area where the Airport is as it's main base and CSAT has the southern area right across the map. I have yet to change any factions or any parameters in the ALiVE modules other than some debugging options for initial testing to see how the factions are spreading across the map.

    The main issue i have at the moment is the fact that the syndikat force shows no hostility to the Blue_F side, you can go dance a jig in the middle of a group of them and the act as if they don't even see you. CSAT are aggressive and attack on sight but i cant work out why the Syndikat show no hostility.