Having Server Lag

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Opendome

    Hey everyone!

    Im struggling with balancing my server. A few times when weve onyl had 6 ot 7 players on in the same location the server gets bogged down to 10 fps for all clients and then damage stops registering for AI. Im using the script version of Vcom, ALiVE, CBA, TFAR, RHS, Spyder addons, CUP terrains, and Isla Duala. The server is a i7-7700K @4.20 GHZ, 4 x 16 GBS of RAM, 2 x 450 GB hard drives.

    Im getting a lot of Object not found (Message type_93) and Object not found (Message type_121) messages but it looks like those are related to things depsawning.

    I have

    ALiVE Required Module
    AI Distribution: Headless Clients

    ALiVE Data module

    ALiVE Player Options module

    ALiVE VIrtual AI System
    Spawn radius: 1000
    Heli radius: 1000
    Plane radius: 0
    Active Limiter: 144
    Virtual Unit Speed: 50%
    Virtual Combat Speed: 50%
    Smooth Spawn: 0.6

    Ambient Dynamic Weather Module
    Set to real life

    Civilian Placement Module
    Objective size: Ignore tiny objectives
    Placement Level: High
    Ambient Vehicles: Low

    Civilian Population:
    Active Limiter: 15
    Spawn Radius: 800
    Spawn Radius Heli: 800
    Spawn Radius Place: 0

  2. Hey guys thanks for the replies! Heres my rpt


    I haven't had a bunch of people on and testing since I added HCs so hopefully that will help as well. Thanks Ill try turning down camps too

  3. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by Nichols

    Take a look at your spawn settings.

    We found that by lowering the helo and jet settings to a significantly lower number allowed our server to keep up better. Also when a player operated aircraft flys over an AI area they aren't spawning in all the CQB, CIV and OPFOR/INDFOR assets all the time. A player in a jet can literally keep most of the AI assets on a map like Isla Duala, Lingor, etc... spawned for nearly their entire time in the air if they are up there flying virtual figure eights waiting on you to bring in CAS for a mission.

    We still haven't figured out how to avoid having things spawn right on top of us in any way other than going super slow with our forces when near objectives.

    Also take a look at your objective filter settings (if they didn't mention it earlier...sorry didn't read all of the replies) and break up your TAOR's into smaller areas with different force sizes within them.