Edited 10 years ago by ToejaM

Firstly, great mod! I actually wrote a very small script to do: Transport/Supply Drop and was working on CAS/Fire Support and recently stumbled across this mod and its so much better than what I had done lol. So thanks for the mod!

I've been playing around with this for around 6-8 hours straight learning everything and testing it with my current modpack for a small milsim group of us, so your mod is great to give that extra "full" feeling that my poor script tried to emulate, makes us feel more army than special forces, especially with the ability to command extra sections and units! One day we won't need extra AI assets.. I hope!

This maybe a little long winded so I'm sorry for that! (Pre post edit: yep it got long, sorry!!)

1) - Cleanup issue?
Something is causing the deletion of placed objects created by this script: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23995

The triggers create for the IEDS but the physical objects just aren't there. I thought it might have been the Garbage collector so I turned that off but still getting an issue, it just refuses to load the objects in. Any idea?

I'm not getting any RPT errors related to the script.

2) - Radio Chatter
I'm not getting any radio chatter (sidechat or otherwise) from any assets that are in use, have I missed a setting somewhere? Everything I've tried has worked and perfomed its task but this creates a bit of a hang issue where the player is unsure of what stage each asset is currently in, example: You dont know the chopper is ready for you to pop smoke without checking the terminal.

Fixed: Inside my init.sqf was this: enableRadio false; - This stops that side chat, will change this to a feature request to perhaps create a unique channel for these assets to chatter on so that everything else can be turned off? Thanks.

3) - Air unit spawning
As I use a few custom air unit mods, it likes to spawn c130s in hangers where they cannot fit! Is there a way to customize this to stop these units from spawning in hangers?

4 - CAS
It works ok if you set the unit to "LOITER" but if you call in an attack run it flys over and then just hovers in the air nearby doing nothing.

1) - Allow Damage False
Support assets allowdamage false option, AI is notoriously unreliable at landing in safe areas, it lacks the common sense and it only takes a misthrown smoke grenade to have your chinook land on a H-Barrier.. I know because I did this while testing it out. My request would be to allow us through the module to allowdamage false on specific assets.

2) - 'Error' Messages
Your wiki is great and I'm far from lazy but you have so many modules (love the customizability!) a small helpful feature would be either something built in or a required module that checks if all modules have their required submodules correctly sync'd up, if it doesnt it would show you onscreen or in the RPT. I've not seen anything in the RPT though I followed the wiki meticulously to get it all to work so maybe I did it right first time round!

3) Civilian Movement
I haven't fully tested the civilian module but from what I can see, they don't drive vehicles around? I think this would add to the immersion if you saw civilians driving from one point to another.. making 'deliveries' by just walking in a house and out ect.

4) - Military Intelligence
I run a few missions built on immersion, so some towns/cities are packed with civilians and others are empty.. I like the MI module and I was wondering if there was a way for it to be more reliant on player spotting of some kind, it seems to cover too large of an area for the military sector module. I try and avoid allowing people to quickly look at things like maps to see if they are done, removes the element of fear!

5) - Database Information / Persistence
It seems to be a little bit lacking, it mentions above an alive.cfg but this isn't found anywhere to my knowledge, is it missing from the latest download?

I'm also confused as to where the missions are stored if they are not stored in the war room database, I get an option to save persistence on my server but I'd like to know where that goes and when/why its called and if I can reset it.

6) - Supply Drop
There needs to be a way to customize whats in the supply drop crates or an ability to make an empty crate with a specific init line or calls a population script, as selecting individual crates drops too many supplies in my opinion and if you have a section with many different weapons from different mod packs, you end up dropping so many crates no-one knows what is what.

As I use mostly BAF assets, I need to drop at least 4-5 boxes (not including med supplies with the CSE mod!) using the current supply module and that can't be done with a heli and must be done by a convoy, which isnt the way I'd want to do it.. just lacking a little customizability imo!

7) - Asset Respawn
When an asset is destroyed, there doesn't seem to be a way of replacing this asset without restarting the mission. With Arma as I'm sure you know, sometimes you have to have an ability to fix things outside of the realism.

Assets respawn through the module: "Combat Support" - For anyone reading, it deletes the old wreckage and respawns it giving you a radio chatter message.

8) - AI Packs
I use CAF (the aggressors pack) and it doesnt seem like I can specify which OPF I'd want to use, is there a way to get a list of specifics for this?

FIX: Any AI / Unit packs that are used, should have the faction names in their download links on armaholic or in the threads. Though a suggestion would be for ALiVE to detect any/all factions if this is possible!

1) - IED Creator
Randomly generated IED placements in buildings or roads, customizable for amounts.

2) - Garbage Creator
Some maps are awfully bland and as with the IED script above and my suggestion above, ieds can be very easy to spot so having "fakes" or ambient garbage around would be good.. even if it was ambient vehicle wrecks, barrels.. ect ect.

3) - Para Insertion
Pretty self explanatory but a few customizablities.. heli or aircraft, I use the c130 mod so it would be good to be able to have the aircraft take off and fly over a zone and eject players by the number and parachute them down as if there was a virtual jumpmaster.

4) - Grunt reinsertion
Some kind of asset that players can move to when they respawn and it will automatically bring them back (flying/convoy ect) to the latest designated safe insertion point without the need for section leaders to interact, this would stop any 'downtime' for the deceased but still provide immersion.

For such a long post, I thought it was better than spamming with lots of different issues/feedbacks ect! I hope you read it but I dont blame you if you dont!