Last active 10 years ago
Hello I know this question is not about Alive however I just thought I'd ask you. I downloaded arma2 map pack with zargabad, takistan fallujah and other things however I still have missing textures issues is thee something else I need to download? I even have allinarma
Everything seems to be spawning now that I have completed the tutorial, thanks for your help. Also Quick question, Is Alex vestin US army units supported as a faction?
Ok I know it wouldn't spawn the A3 faction but I will try these
the caf Agressors yes also im not using the lasest update is that an issue?
Do happen to have a demo somewhere available?
Yes sir I have followed the tutorial And still nothing. Not unless im not usinf the force civilian code. I am trying ot spawn takistanian civilians. Do you know the faction code. Am I suppose to sync them?