Last active 10 years ago
Thanks, good to know.
Any idea on the C2ISTAR task generation? Is it possible to "bundle" factions into "one" enemy faction?
Anyone got an idea? *push*
Hi there :)
Thanks for this great mod... it has brough some friends and me quite some fun already and we're looking to extend it with some new missions.
When we are doing tasks we get into ammo shortage after some time. This is where the "Combat Logistics" module should come in handy - right? So after some time I got it working but yet still... there's a lot of options which don't belong there (at least for our taste). We don't want like 98% of the stuff that's available there. Is it possible to remove all of these options and just give like 2-3 templates for creates you want to have "delivered"? Like linking a crate to the logistics module that you want to be available for requesting. That would be awesome :)
Furthermore the tasks we do mostly involve 2 factions - the RHS Russian factions. All the other factions are unneeded. So "the problem" is the same. Is it possible to remove all other options besides these 2 factions? And - what would even be greater - is it possible to "map" 2 factions together? So for example rhs_ru_vdv and rhs_ru_msv (names are not accurate) should appear as "Russian" or something.
Thanks for your answers :)