Last active 6 years ago
I was wondering if anyone had anytips on how to keep the airfield clear of Ai friendlies because they always seem to spawn and patrol the runway blocking any takeoffs. Id still like them around the base to patrol but not the runway. any suggestions ?
i see opfor spawn and civ spawn but theres no hqs or ied factorys or anything like that appearing with debug turned on
the faction is the caf_ag_me_t i just see like zero activity across all of takistan , how does it work in regards to where the insurgency begins ? is it near the commander module ?, what do you mean make sure they can capture an objective im not sure where they start , the only blufor on the map are my player units not any ai
I have tried to create a mission that can be left running on my units server and an insurgency will happen. When i leave running to test for a couple of hours nothing happens , no recruitment HQs not ied factorys no weapon caches , nothing , i can get ieds to spawn when i dont sync the module other than that the insurgency does not happen , an other question is do you have to be near the inurgency for it to happen because otherwise there is no units spawned ? ;S , i have tried the standard layout for the set up as per the pictures and guides on the wiki.