

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Thu Apr 30 15:17:23 2015

    Thank you for the suggested help, but I'm just very comfortable with Qt Creator, having to deal with it on a daily basis for work.

  2. Thu Apr 30 14:58:30 2015

    I use Qt Creator. There's no plugin for the Arma 3 library, so I cannot get correct syntax highlighting on inbuilt functions. Just basic C derivative.

  3. Thu Apr 30 00:58:08 2015

    @SpyderBlack723 Good catch, unfortunate how one thing can spoil an entire script, does it work in it's entirety now?

    There's one other alteration to it, that I made before the typo. That is ((side _civ == Civilian) is now (((faction _civ) == "CIV_F") so it can be altered to match module alterations.

    Works properly, yes. I can't be for sure on the reinforcement pool though. Does one in the pool represent one armed unit?

  4. Wed Apr 29 23:50:07 2015

    Thanks for that Spyder, I was a complete idiot. Issue if anyone is wondering is line 16.

     _marker setMarketText _text;

    _marker setMarketText _text;

  5. Wed Apr 29 20:58:02 2015

    @SpyderBlack723 I was simply answering your 2nd post, to my knowledge it appears it should work, I would just double check you made no syntax errors using -showScriptErrors.. I see no problems with it but I would make the eventhandler call a file that simply displays a hint so you can confirm it is beinng called up correctly.

    Ok, I'll do that. I've tried stripping it down in various ways, to see if I can get any response from it. It seems to never fire at all, but I'll make double sure there's no syntax errors now.

  6. Tue Apr 28 22:10:06 2015

    Civilians spawned are under the side Civilian, correct? I'm struggling to debug the issue here, any help or direction to look would be greatly appreciated.

  7. Tue Apr 28 02:09:19 2015
    B Bosenator started the conversation Extended_Init_EventHandler for Man, not firing?.

    I'm struggling to see why this fails. Can anyone see the obvious issue at hand?

    In description.ext at the bottom:

    class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
        class Man {
            init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'civInit.sqf')";


    private "_civ";
    _civ = _this select 0;
    if ((side _civ == Civilian) and (!isPlayer _civ)) then {
        _civ addEventHandler ["Killed", {
            _unit = (_this select 0);
            _killer = (_this select 1);
            if (isPlayer _killer) then {
                _id = format ["civID%1", _unit];
                _text = format ["%1 killed %2", name _killer, name _unit];
                _marker = createMarker [_id, getPosASL _unit];
                _marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
                _marker setMarkerType "hd_warning";
                _marker setMarketText _text;
                _marker setMarkerColor "colorRed";
                _marker setMarkerAlpha 0.5;
                _currentReinforcementCount = ([ALIVE_globalForcePool, "OPF_G_F"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet);
                [ALIVE_globalForcePool, "OPF_G_F", (_currentReinforcementCount + 5)] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;

    Can't figure out why it's not firing.

  8. Tue Apr 28 02:06:41 2015
    B Bosenator joined the forum.