Last active 9 years ago
Hrm, bummer. The persistence of my load out, position, etc all are working fine and I'm using vanilla + alive only. Only the TRACE seems to be not persisting. From the wiki it sounds like they should only turn back to red after they've possibly been reoccupied or traveled through. I save and exit right in one of the cleared areas, reload and it's red.
Not the end of the world and certainly possible I'm doing something wrong.
I've noticed that the CQB TRACE areas I clear do not seem to persist after I rejoin/restart a mission. Areas that turned green before an admin save and exit are red again after a reload. I saw this specifically with the Insurgency Revived mission, and was able to recreate it with a simple test mission.
Has anyone else seen that behavior or is that by design? The CQB module is not synced to anything nor do I have a TAOR. It's marked for the entire map and persistence is enabled.
This is my sever report:
Thanks for any help!