

Last active 10 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Mon Nov 10 22:15:07 2014
    C cpd posted in Customising the ALiVE Menu.

    Let me refine the script because its quite... all over the place at the moment. I'll post it up once I've tidied it up.

  2. Sun Nov 9 16:00:36 2014
    C cpd posted in Customising the ALiVE Menu.


    Really? Trololololol. Managed to work some magic.

  3. Fri Nov 7 15:32:21 2014
    C cpd started the conversation Customising the ALiVE Menu.


    Is it possible to add custom options to the self interaction ALiVE menu? If so, how do you go about doing this?


  4. Fri Nov 7 15:30:11 2014
    C cpd joined the forum.