

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Mon Oct 10 09:18:12 2016

    I have the same problem with RHS.

    I'm trying to get 3 forces fighting each other (USA, Russia, Syndikate) and the random roadblocks are manned by NATO, CSAT or FIA Units. :/

    I even got a "transport X" mission from High Command with NATO units instead of US Army Troops.

  2. 9 years ago
    Tue May 19 20:25:04 2015
    T Tryst posted in Mission Templates.

    Looks like it is working as promised :)

    Do you know if it possible to force one commander to send troops to a certain location and give them a “defend“ order?

    It would be great if I can call in some troops after freeing a town from the enemies and let them defend the place.

  3. Tue May 19 14:42:54 2015
    T Tryst posted in Mission Templates.

    Thanks for the template!

    I'll test it after getting home from work. :)

  4. Mon May 18 16:28:42 2015
    T Tryst posted in Mission Templates.

    Thanks for helping me out. I'm really struggling with a working Altis Template. :/

  5. Mon May 18 06:03:26 2015
    T Tryst posted in Mission Templates.

    Hi SpiderBlack723,

    thanks for the great mission templates, they are helping me alot.

    Do you have a Altis Template with two factions fighting over the whole island like the one on stratis ?

    I'm trying to make one but either one commander is way too strong or they do not have enough units to fight each other or there are too many units and the performance is horrible.

  6. Fri May 15 07:33:21 2015
    T Tryst joined the forum.