Last active 9 years ago
We are totally doing this! Great news!
@Tupolov We have completely rewritten our plugin for v0.9.10 so it will work with your server without the need for these requirements.
So you mean the persistence + db? Sounds awesome! Ay hints when you guys will release the update? Really looking forward!
Okay, I see the problem. Actually, I disabled the war room as we don't even want to use it. All we want was to make players positions and loadout persistant on the map as well as using the placement modules. Did not thought about all the requirements for war room then.
As we don't have a root server, there is no way to install the .net framework or visual c++. We might remove alive from our mod repo then. Very sad, I truly loved it.
Anyway, thank you very much for your help!
Allright, here we go.
I've tried following things:
So I guess the data-module is causing the trouble?
Hello everyone,
some days ago, our server stopped to run missions with ALiVE modules enabled. While trying to load the mission, it will print following in the .rpt file
[ ... ]
12:16:38 __________________________________________
12:16:38 __________________________________________
12:16:38 _______ _____ __ ___ ___ _______
12:16:38 __ | _ | |_|__| | | ___| __
12:16:38 __ | | | | | | ___| __
12:16:38 __ |___|___|_______|__|\_____/|_______| __
12:16:38 __________________________________________
12:16:38 __________________________________________
12:16:38 ALiVE Global INIT
12:16:38 ALiVE Global Init Timer Started
12:16:38 ALiVE [m_0|30] Module ALiVE_sys_data INIT
12:16:38 Unable to get file version size: X:\arma3\@AliveServer\Arma2Net.Unmanaged.dll
Exception code: E0434352 at 776AC42D
graphics: No
resolution: 160x120x32
[ ... ]
Version 1.52.132676
Fault time: 2015/10/05 12:16:41
Fault address: 776AC42D 01:0000B42D C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll
file: SRU_Altis_ALIVE
world: Altis
Prev. code bytes: 0C EB 03 89 45 C0 8D 45 B0 50 FF 15 5C 11 6A 77
Fault code bytes: C9 C2 10 00 CC CC CC CC CC 8B FF 55 8B EC 56 8B
EAX:0262B348 EBX:00000005
ECX:00000005 EDX:00000000
ESI:0262B404 EDI:00000001
SS:ESP:002B:0262B348 EBP:0262B398
DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B
note: Minidump has been generated into the file config\arma3server_2015-10-05_12-09-23.mdmp
##################################### EOF ###################################
Now, there are only some basic modules enabled, all of them (and way more) have worked before like a charm. I'm not a server-pro and thus need your help fixing it.
I already tried to re-upload the alive-files in order to exclude the possibility of a currupted file.. without effect.