

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Thu Oct 29 16:48:02 2015

    Hi ! Another question about my mission.

    I tried to set the "ambient vehicle" to high, but no change except that there is more infantry and vehicle (i think) but no helis/planes.
    I just discovered that there is not a lot of civil (because i set it like this) but there are always 1 or 2 helis and 1 plane spawn from nowhere and just roam around.. LOL! This is what i want but for OP and BLU.
    I don't understand why it's like this.

    Is this come from the settings i put ? Because i put the two placements (civ/mil) with 400 and 800 units respectively for each factions and force pool at 500 to 1000 in logistic module and i just allowed 150 in the virtual units module ? and so it spawns first infantry and ground units in priority ?

    cheers !

  2. Wed Oct 28 18:52:39 2015

    1 - Oh i will test that now ! :) i tought this was civil or other vehicles :P
    In addition i saw a video on Alive with a huge battle there was a lot air battle, it's this that i would like to reproduce in fact ! :)

    3 - Erf yeah i know, i think this could possibly done during the loading screen or just before spawn in game.

    By the way thank for the answers ! Awesome ! ;)

  3. Wed Oct 28 15:26:40 2015

    Thank's for the fast reply ! :)

    1 - Oh i think it's an issue or something misconfigured because, in fact, i have not any air units spawning. I tried with two area, one in altis airbase (so i think that would be good) and one on the entire map, and nothing. One time i manage to have a lot of helicopters in altis airbase i don't remember how i do it. :/ So i would like at least 1/2 helicopters and 1/2 planes fly the sky everytime, i don't know if it's an option or what ... because if i put them manually and something kill'em they don't respawn :/

    2 - Ok! Thank's i will do that, i must try something before :)

    3 - Oops no sorry, i would say, when i start the mission, the map is empty during maybe 5 to 10 seconds before Ai start spawning. So i would like to know how to spawn AI directly when i start the mission and not step by step but spawn straight all AI units, as if i just join a multiplayer server for example.

    Thank's :)

  4. Wed Oct 28 13:46:11 2015
    U ubrider started the conversation Questions about air units, spawns and Tasks.

    Hi !

    I have some questions for you :)

    I made a basic mission where BLU and OP fight on the whole map of Altis. But there are somethings that i can't manage to know.
    First, I would like a huge battlefield, i get it but there is nearly no (not) Air units (helis and planes), while i would like 1/3 of total units of the map been air units for massive air combat. How to spawn air units ? or maybe force it ?

    Second, everytime a task start, it is around 2 km away, is there a way to reduce that radius ? because i don't want to take vehicle :)

    And third, How can we have all units (or close) spawn at the very start of the mission, because i must wait like 10mn before the ennemies start to be a lot. (but always no air units :@)

    Thank's for the reply, i'm overminded :P

  5. Wed Oct 28 12:28:40 2015
    U ubrider joined the forum.