Last active 8 years ago
Did you ever get this figured out?
These are our log files for today
We tried updating the plugin
Removing all of the modules and re-adding
Loading Alive sample missions (GhostOne added above)
All with no luck.
The only thing I am seeing is the bin config errors for the default setting of the placement modules and an error opening a config file in the plugin log. I don't know if they are known errors or if they mean anything. The game and log says everything saved successfully.
In game we waited for a task to generate, got in a HEMMT truck drove it around, parked it in a hangar. Got out of the truck then moved around some more.
Clicked on server save and exit. Closed down the whole server.
Reloaded arma and the mission.
The mission started from scratch like it was the first time.
Could it be something wrong with our connection to the war room?