

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Thu Jan 21 23:14:31 2016

    Key for the .txt = !zXGBkF6uenap1s6ANzvIX9OaTzsxcpVua_Kt7oRmuzU
    Key for the .rpt !rwEotSN8bWByFIl643hHXociintgRP54t2aEG_i3Ac8

  2. Thu Jan 21 01:58:10 2016

    here is the log @SavageCDN
    here is the rpt https://mega.nz/#!FQoWwBTK

  3. Mon Jan 18 16:53:18 2016
    B bassam started the conversation Server Not Showing Up On War-Room.

    My situation is, I am hosting a dedicated server using steamCMD and TADST to run the server off my PC. I have installed @ALiVE, @CBA, @ALiVEserver, @task_force_radio. I host my server and other people can join it and play with me on ALiVE missions with the ALiVE modules installed and running. When we play the modules work perfectly fine but when i go check to see the war room or our operations they are not showing a record or even if we are playing. I have read through on how to install the server correctly and i have re-downloaded everything related to the server to see if it fixed that but it did not. I noticed that it only shows up 5 sessions and 1 operation but they were never showed live on the War-Room.

    My main problem here is: The server wont connect to War-Room.

  4. Mon Jan 18 16:46:05 2016
    B bassam joined the forum.