maquez [Q-Net]


Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Tue Jan 26 20:02:32 2016
    maquez [Q-Net] posted in ALiVE staticData.sqf for RHS v0.4.0.1.


    ALiVE staticData.sqf for RHS v0.4.0.1

    Declaring RHS v0.4.0.1 Faction Mappings for ALiVE

    • added the new units and vehicles that got released with update
    • added the new groups that got released with update
    • made finally the Insurgents fully working

    This is temporary fix and not part of the core ALiVE !

    copy/extract the "script" folder into your missions folder
    copy the code from "init.sqf" to the init.sqf of your mission.

    read the readme !

    kind regards
    VNPA Development Team

  2. Tue Jan 26 17:35:37 2016
    maquez [Q-Net] posted in ALiVE staticData.sqf for RHS v0.4.0.1.

    this is no temporary fix...

    ALiVE does mapping factions exact the same way and with the same script. What I did was adding the new
    missing stuff that was released with update to the code of ALiVE's RHS faction mapping.
    I also configured the missing groups to the commented out mapping of the Insurgents, they should now work finally.

    holy ...
    it took me hours switching between editor and notepad++
    the RHS classlist wiki is still on version 0.3.9

  3. Tue Jan 26 09:31:31 2016
    maquez [Q-Net] started the conversation ALiVE staticData.sqf for RHS v0.4.0.1.

    Dear ALiVE Developers,

    I made a "staticData.sqf" up to date with RHS :

    • added the new units and vehicles that got released with update
    • added the new static and artillery that got released with update
    • added the new planes and helicopters that got released with update
    • added the new groups that got released with update
    • made finally the Insurgents fully working

    did follow fully your pattern of code, so you may be able to introduce all of my edited "staticData.sqf" into next release !

    my question, are I allowed to release this to public ?

    pm me on BI forum,
    I will send you link of my edited "staticData.sqf" for download so you can first have a look at it.

    holy shit now I need a break :P

    kind regards
    maquez [Q-Net]

  4. Sun Jan 24 08:13:24 2016
    maquez [Q-Net] posted in need help with Zeus.

    for solution to make zeus faction sided follow these steps:
    make zeus faction sided

    kind regards
    maquez [Q-Net]

  5. Sat Jan 23 20:38:01 2016
    maquez [Q-Net] posted in need help with Zeus.

    problem solved

    a special thank towards all those that helped me in this case

    specially to mention are belbo and spyderblack723 for outstanding help

  6. Sat Jan 23 12:20:30 2016
    maquez [Q-Net] posted in need help with Zeus.

    another try...
    script seems to work at least
    I can see and edit every freaking stuff of mission
    but still I can edit and see enemy sides, damn this drives me soon crazy...

    please anyone can have a look at this and help me?

    I soon get headaches and a big hate on BI wiki,
    most useless crap I ever seen.


    if (isServer) then {
    [] execVM "zeus.sqf";


    if (!isServer) exitWith{};
    sleep 60;
    	z_west addCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true];
    	z_east addCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true];
    	z_guer addCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true];
    } foreach (allMissionObjects "All");
    while {true} do {
          sleep 30; {
    	    if ((side _x) == west || (side _x) == east || (side _x) == independent) then {
    			z_west addCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true];
    			z_east addCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true];
    			z_guer addCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true];
           }foreach allUnits;
    case WEST: {
    	if ((side _x) == east || (side _x) == resistance) then {
    		z_west removeCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true];
    case EAST: {	
    	if ((side _x) == west || (side _x) == resistance) then {
    		z_east removeCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true];
    case RESISTANCE: {	
    	if ((side _x) == west || (side _x) == east) then {	
    		z_guer removeCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true];	

    link to BI forum where the code is better readable: BI Forum

    kind regards
    maquez [Q-Net]

  7. Sat Jan 23 02:54:20 2016
    maquez [Q-Net] posted in need help with Zeus.

    I enabled functions logging to rpt during testing script.
    The function does not get loaded if this help.

    I would really appreciate any help I'm out of ideas and BI wiki is a bad joke instead of any use full information.

  8. Fri Jan 22 06:06:07 2016
    maquez [Q-Net] posted in need help with Zeus.

    I did test it in editor and on dedicated, it did not work I was still able to edit and see all sides.

    may I have to explain better my goals:
    my mission is a TVT/PVP mission with three playable Zeus and my goal is to remove
    the editable objects and visible units of the opposite sides for each zeus.

    z_west: should be able only to edit WEST objects, RESISTANCE and EAST should be invisible, not editable
    z_east: should be able only to edit EAST objects, RESISTANCE and WEST should be invisible, not editable
    z_guer: should be able only to edit RESISTANCE objects, EAST and WEST should be invisible, not editable

    z_west is synced to squad leader WEST
    z_east is synced to squad leader EAST
    z_guer is synced to squad leader RESISTANCE

    all three zeus are playable at the same time by different players (TVT/PVP mission)

    damn, sorry my english... not my native language hope you can understand

    kind regards
    maquez [Q-Net]

  9. Fri Jan 22 03:20:26 2016
    maquez [Q-Net] posted in need help with Zeus.

    wow, thank you very much! Will try this.

    I have only few questions still remaining regarding "fnc_handleUnit.sqf".
    I have three factions in my mission with a Zeus module for each side named:

    "z_west", "z_east" and "z_guer"

    so how do I need edit the "fnc_handleUnit.sqf" script that it does handle all three factions?

    what I did try to script myself so far is follow:


    #define QUOTE(var1) #var1
    class Extended_Init_EventHandlers { 
        class CAManBase { 
     		serverInit = QUOTE(_this call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'fnc_handleUnitWest.sqf,fnc_handleUnitEast.sqf,fnc_handleUnitGuer.sqf');


    params [["_unit",objNull]];
    if (side _unit == EAST) then {
        z_west removeCuratorEditableObjects [[_unit],true];
    if (side _unit == RESISTANCE) then {
        z_west removeCuratorEditableObjects [[_unit],true];


    params [["_unit",objNull]];
    if (side _unit == WEST) then {
        z_east removeCuratorEditableObjects [[_unit],true];
    if (side _unit == RESISTANCE) then {
        z_east removeCuratorEditableObjects [[_unit],true];


    params [["_unit",objNull]];
    if (side _unit == WEST) then {
        z_guer removeCuratorEditableObjects [[_unit],true];
    if (side _unit == EAST) then {
        z_guer removeCuratorEditableObjects [[_unit],true];

    could you have a look at this and tell me if I scripted bullshit
    and if answer is yes, correct what I did wrong?

    had no time to test what I scripted...

    thanks in advance
    maquez [Q-Net]

  10. Thu Jan 21 02:10:10 2016
    maquez [Q-Net] posted in No OPCOM Groups for rhs_faction_msv.

    have this problem too,
    I think it has to do with the circumstance that RHS use a very uncommon group configuration.
    Many cool features of ALiVE do not work because of that.

    If you have patience,
    I asked permission from RHS to build and release a compatibility patch
    for ALiVE but it needs time until release, will be freaking lot of work.

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