

Last active 4 years ago

  1. 4 years ago
    Tue May 5 15:51:15 2020
    J JerkinMerkin started the conversation Two Military Air Component Commanders, One Airfield.


    I am working on a Invasion vs Invasion of Rosche, Germany, and would like for both commanders to have a Military Air Component Commander. However, there is only one airfield on this map, so both commanders use it as an HQ and spawn at the same airfield and instantly kill each other's aircraft. Is there a way to game the Air Commander module to spawn on a certain custom objective like you can with the Military Logistics?

    I tried to do this by placing a USS Freedom carried wayyy off the map but the planes kept spawning on ground level and exploding. When I lowered the carrier deck to ground level, the aircraft didn't have enough speed to take off without basically landing on the ground off the bow of the carrier and coming to a stop.

    How would you guys make this work if possible?

  2. Tue Apr 28 09:14:37 2020
    J JerkinMerkin started the conversation Complete Index of Rosche, Germany.

    Here it is.

    Thanks to Husky and Lewis for helping me work out the bugs and crashes.

  3. 8 years ago
    Mon Dec 12 15:43:11 2016
    J JerkinMerkin started the conversation Persisting ACE logistics .

    Is there a way to persist ACE logistics, similar to how R3F logistics is persisted?

  4. Thu Oct 20 22:44:38 2016
    J JerkinMerkin started the conversation Replacing Static Weapons at Roadblocks and Camps..


    I would like to replace the futuristic static weapons at roadblocks or camps with contemporary ones like the Dshk. I found this in your wiki: however I'm a little confused on what to do with it. Using your example, where would I place those lines to change the smallCheckpoint2? Do I put it in the init.qsf, the discription.ext, or do I need to make a new .sqf file? Any help forward would be appreciated. Thanks.

  5. Sat May 14 13:21:37 2016
    J JerkinMerkin posted in Server will not save.

    Sorry for the late response.

    RPT: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3A0qrBy51cJbEVKc2w3R2x5OTQ/view?usp=sharing

    Plugin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3A0qrBy51cJN29GdzhBaUxydXM/view?usp=sharing

    I've tried making a new war-room, but still getting hung up.

  6. Sun May 1 19:51:04 2016
    J JerkinMerkin posted in Server will not save.

    Mission was named Alive_Test so I renamed it to AliveTest. Still getting hung up.

    With debug enabled:


  7. Sun May 1 17:29:55 2016
    J JerkinMerkin posted in Server will not save.

    Nothing has changed recently. All missions on this particular server are hanging.

  8. Sun May 1 12:34:55 2016
    J JerkinMerkin posted in Server will not save.

    I should also note that the mission will load from its last persisted state, however I simply cannot save it again.

  9. Sun May 1 12:30:35 2016
    J JerkinMerkin posted in Server will not save.

    Did not work. I tried the same mission on another server (connected to the same war room) and it worked fine. Seems this issue is tied to this particular server, but like I said, it used to work not long ago.

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