

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Sat Jun 4 01:39:49 2016
    A AerialFox started the conversation Reinforcement spawn.

    Hi guys and girls,

    I have just started using your mod to create missions for our group. We get 50+ members every night, and I have found alive to be a fantastic resource to create quick and detailed missions to my liking. However I am having a little difficulty with reinforcements. In the past the AI commander would spawn his reinforcements from airdrop. I would rather have the AI spawn in at a location behind all the objectives and have them move towards the action. Is this as simple as creating another objective so they have a place to come in? Or will they just sit and defend that location? Any help is appreciated on this matter.


  2. Sat Jun 4 01:35:34 2016
    A AerialFox joined the forum.