

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Sun May 14 06:16:50 2017

    The tasking error creates a significant pause when it appears. Mission seems to run OK but the pausing on task creation is significant.

  2. Fri May 12 06:06:19 2017
    V V001 started the conversation Errors during mission preview..

    I have two error messages popping up when previewing my mission in 3D editor.
    The first is when a task is assigned for the first time after starting the mission.
    First task assigned

    The second is on exiting the mission and returning to the editor.
    Quitting mission

    Neither have made the mission unplayable as far as I can tell. However I would like to fix them before completing my mission making.

  3. 8 years ago
    Sat Jul 9 02:34:53 2016

    New here, signed up to ask about this subject in particular. I tried forcing the faction with Ryanzombiesfactionopfor in a CQB, Military Civ obj, and Civilian placement modules. However no zombies spawned. My hope is to have OPFOR occupy the military objectives, with zombies occupying the towns and civilian objectives. Could someone layout the procedure needed to make this happen? Thanks in advance

  4. Sat Jul 9 02:06:44 2016
    V V001 joined the forum.