Last active 7 years ago
That might be the case, with the particular way I'm trying to do it as I'm using stuff from the mission.sqm
But theres gotta be a way surely, as other mods do have custom ammo loaded into the vehicles inventory, and RHS makes use of set decals for the separate factions. But i couldnt dePBO it to see how they did it, guess ill try and find another mod that i can pull apart and look at.
Yeh that was just the error message that I derped on though, however I've tried again and now I get this error when I boot the game File x\testmod\addonsconfig.cpp, line1: /CfgVehicles/:Missing '}'
Which is strange as I've not edited the config.cpp
I've got it set out like this at the moment in the autogen.hpp
class B_PBSR_BMP_1_01 : rhs_bmp1_msv_OCimport_02 { author = "Rad.Stella[345]"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "BMP-1"; side = 1; faction = "PBSR"; crew = "B_PBSR_Crew_01"; class Turrets : Turrets { class MainTurret : MainTurret { gunnerType = "B_PBSR_Crew_01"; }; class Com_BMP1 : Com_BMP1 { gunnerType = "B_PBSR_Crew_Commander_01"; }; class CargoTurret_01 : CargoTurret_01 { gunnerType = ""; }; class CargoTurret_02 : CargoTurret_02 { gunnerType = ""; }; class CargoTurret_03 : CargoTurret_03 { gunnerType = ""; }; class CargoTurret_04 : CargoTurret_04 { gunnerType = ""; }; class CargoTurret_05 : CargoTurret_05 { gunnerType = ""; }; class CargoTurret_06 : CargoTurret_06 { gunnerType = ""; }; class CargoTurret_07 : CargoTurret_07 { gunnerType = ""; }; class CargoTurret_08 : CargoTurret_08 { gunnerType = ""; }; class CargoTurret_09 : CargoTurret_09 { gunnerType = ""; }; class CargoTurret_10 : CargoTurret_10 { gunnerType = ""; }; }; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { }; }; //All the Class Custom Attributes stuff (Theres 24 of them) // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; ALiVE_orbatCreator_texture = "standard"; };
Hiya just wondering if any of you guys know, how I go about saving vehicle ammo contents and hidden selection stuff in the whole faction autogen.hpp (Or at least remove any stored weapons & ammo from vehicles)
As I don't think you can actually do that stuff in the ORBAT, I've tried setting up said vehicles in a mission.sqm and then copy and pasting the stuff I wanted (Class CustomAttributes) into the autogen.hpp roughly where I thought It should go. But I keep getting errors that say "/cfgvehicle.Eventhandaler undefined"
Oh and thanks for this amazing tool its made this whole process so much easier :D