

Last active 5 years ago

  1. 5 years ago
    Thu May 2 18:49:31 2019
    B Bl4ckwo0lf posted in Issue with Civilian/insurgency spawn.

    @SavageCDN Holy S**T is that on Lythium ? I can finally die in peace

  2. 7 years ago
    Sun Jul 23 15:46:10 2017
    B Bl4ckwo0lf started the conversation Config Error ?.

    I worked a little with the ORBAT Creator to check out the features. I didnt changed or edited any Faction, but when I want to spawn groups of the Factions i looked into, I get an config error and cant place the groups. Is there a possibility ORBAT messed something up ? As I said I didnt save anything.

  3. Sun Jul 23 15:42:54 2017
    B Bl4ckwo0lf joined the forum.