Last active 6 years ago
Hey, Heroes asked me to post a link to the fixed pbo.
This only fixes saving when playing as the server (ie. hosted environment) - if you use a dedicated server don't get this
This is not an official release and is not signed - if you want to play MP on servers that check signatures, don't get this
The fix or its equivalent will make it into the next ALiVE release, so if you don't know if you need it, don't get it.
Download x_lib.pbo, replace the existing one in your alive folder.
Half the people in slack seemed to be seeing my name instead of nickname, so i figured id just use my name and save some confusion.
(Seems it worked the other way round!)
This map doesn't have any military areas with objects in them, so only civ mil placement will work here. The grass airfields could be suitable if you use mil placement custom objectives, or place units and buildings with the editor.
First index by me, and map has the black sky bug so I wouldn't generally recommend its use
Zipped Index