Last active 9 years ago
Well figured it out, I had to many OPCOMs for the same Faction. I use to place 1 OPCOM for each TAOR marker but once I deleted one and linked a new placement module for that marker it fired right up. Thank you for your time.
I have been making my own ALiVE mission for awhile now and this will be about the fifth one I've built in the last 6 months except the only difference this time is it don't work, I get a loading screen that never goes away. Also I can't get any ALiVE mission previously made or NATOFOR or Carrier Ops to load.
The only way I could get the mission to start was without the 3 main Modules, but once I re-added those 3 modules it wouldn't start again. I've checked my rpts as I change modules just to narrow it down, and I've narrowed it down to what I believe would be the player options module. Also nothing is grouped together or synced unless it was suppose to be.
My RPT always end here:
2:00:31 ALiVE [m_16|201] Module ALiVE_SYS_viewdistance INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.0039978
2:00:31 ALiVE [m_17|203] Module ALiVE_sys_crewinfo INIT
2:00:31 ALiVE [m_17|203] Module ALiVE_sys_crewinfo INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.0019989
2:00:31 ALiVE [m_18|204] Module ALiVE_sys_playertags INIT
2:00:31 ALiVE SYS PLAYERTAGS - Feature turned off! Exiting...
2:00:31 ALiVE [m_18|204] Module ALiVE_sys_playertags INIT COMPLETE TIME: 0.00100708
They never advance any further then that.
Here is all the RPT's from the last night of testing