Last active 6 years ago
Trying to index WL_Rosche but end up with RTP
15:28:51 Warning: 446805 ms spent in callExtension calling name: "ALiVEClient", function: "StartIndex~@M1\Addons\WL_Rosche.pbo|WL_Rosche|true"
15:28:51 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Compiling list of objects from deWRP in wrp_objects array
15:28:56 ErrorMessage: Too many virtual memory blocks requested
15:28:56 Application terminated intentionally
ErrorMessage: Too many virtual memory blocks requested
Any suggestions?
Tried again (changed module setting to Win7 instead of Win10). No angry message this time but the same as OP on Scargard:
But it went further and went angry
Here I stopped
I follow the wiki on indexing but when starting the indexing I get the error message
'... call compile (preprocessFile _file); I#I[">>>>>>>>>>>>>> Checking for existi...' Error Generic error in expression File \x\alive\addons\sys_indexer\fnc_indexMap.sqf [ALiVE_fnc_indexMap], line 1816
And as far as I understand the indexing stops. Any suggestions to solve the issue?