Last active 8 years ago
I'll try make one and see if it repros.
Local dedicated with TADST
Sorry, I mean the Alive Required module. It's a feature that pauses OPCOM ect when no players are in the server.
NATO_Rus_Vehicle (massi)
nato_russian_sf_weapons (massi)
UKSF_mas (massi)
not all of them are used in the mission itself but the server runs them all and the mission was made with all the mods loaded.
The mission is on chernarus summer.
So I seem to have fixed it by turning off the pause feature in the data module.. weird.
I have an issue where after starting the mission from a saved game, BLUFOR units don't appear in the visual game. I can see they're virtualized and they're moving around and all that, it's just that they don't pop in when I come close. Anyone have this before and know what I'm doing wrong?
I see the same thing with the BCRs. My mission only allows vehicle-borne BCRs unless called for by the player, in which case a paradrop is available.
The AI-called BCRs arrive by truck and don't disembark until the truck is disabled. Then they jump out and fight whatever they see but won't leave the immediate area. The player-called paradrops work correctly where the BCRs are assigned waypoints after arriving at their initial destination.
Also worth mentioning, vehicle-born BCRs can take a long time to travel to the place they were called to by OPCOM. Many times the place has already been overrun so you end up with trucks full of soldiers YOLOing straight into the front lines- to their deaths of course. It's very unrealistic, and not fun to fight off the hoards of charging enemy trucks after you've already take the objective.
It would be nice to see the BCRs disembark before reaching known enemy positions, even if the known enemy positions changed since the time the BCRs were given their first waypoint.
It seems like simply a OPCOM cycle time issue being highlighted. Perhaps that could be a parameter we could set in the OPCOM module? Or better yet, separate the BCRs from OPCOM until they disembark and let LOGCOM or something handle their waypoints with a higher frequency.
I ran two sessions for a couple hours each. I ran the code and it seems to stop OPFOR from getting helicopter reinforcements and it seems to stop the CSAT trucks from being used. However I notice no change on BLUFOR who still uses helicopters. The script supplied only overrode one faction so I added my own bit to add another.. Not sure if I did it right though. Here's that part of my init:
if(isServer) then { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // override default data // see script/staticData.sqf ["MISSION INIT - Waiting"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump; waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"}; ["MISSION INIT - Continue"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump; // override static data settings [ALIVE_factionDefaultTransport, "CUP_O_RU", ["CUP_O_UAZ_Unarmed_RU","CUP_O_Ural_RU","CUP_O_Ural_Open_RU","CUP_O_UAZ_MG_RU"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet; [ALIVE_factionDefaultTransport, "rhs_faction_usarmy_wd", ["rhssuf_M1078A1P2_wd_fmtv_usarmy","rhssuf_M10831P2_wd_fmtv_usarmy","rhsusf_M977A4_usarmy_wd","rhsusf_m1025_w_m2","rhsusf_m998_w_4dr_halftop"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet; ["MISSION INIT - Static data override loaded"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- };
I tried the code, it seems like it's working for OPFOR but not for BLUFOR. I reset the server now and will have another go and see if it's the same.
Ah, I get it. Will do.