
Last active 4 years ago

  1. 4 years ago
    Wed Aug 14 02:19:12 2019
    S SINS posted in Capture Markers.

    To be fair, reading through post trying to find an answer it's been requested many times in the forums.

  2. Sun Aug 11 05:53:54 2019
    S SINS posted in Capture Markers.

    Quick yes, but for larger battles on big maps its not easy to keep up with.

  3. Fri Aug 9 13:05:03 2019

    Anyone have the working on a mission I can look at?

  4. 5 years ago
    Wed Jul 17 14:13:36 2019
    S SINS posted in Capture Markers.

    Can I pay or donate to someone to help me get this done?

  5. Mon Jul 15 23:19:07 2019
    S SINS started the conversation reinforcements .

    Whenever opcom calls in reinforcements they call in a ton of helis that either crash into each other or sit there forever. How can I make it so they only use airdrops or convoys?

  6. Sat Jul 13 22:53:57 2019
    S SINS posted in Capture Markers.

    Can anyone please provide a way to do above? Since he didn't answer?

  7. Wed Sep 19 01:29:05 2018

    it just would be amazing to use everything on both sides.

  8. Tue Sep 18 23:07:16 2018

    If you figure this out can you share it?

  9. Wed Sep 5 02:26:47 2018
    S SINS started the conversation Capture Markers.

    Is there anyway to stop the capture markers from disappearing? Altis is a big map and it's hard to know what belongs to who and what areas need to be taken.

  10. Mon Aug 20 14:47:43 2018
    S SINS posted in Weather.

    Ok I'll give that a shot, thank you.

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