

Last active 10 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Thu Oct 16 14:25:32 2014
    G glennog posted in Feedback / Problems.

    I saw a Honda try to T-bone a box truck the other night... most entertaining

  2. Thu Oct 16 14:13:10 2014
    G glennog started the conversation Multispawn - spawn on group problems.

    Absolutely loving ALiVE - so easy to create incredibly immersive missions and the new features are simply awesome... but...

    I have a problem with the multispawn module in 0.8.0. I have tried creating a vanilla mission, with a handful of playable units in a single group, the bare ALiVE modules plus a multispawn module set to Spawn on Group, delay 5 and no enemy check. I run this on a dedicated server and join the game, moving a few hundred meters from the initial spawn point. When a friend joins, he joins at the spawn point, not with the group (i.e. not near me). I have respawn="INSTANT" in my description.ext (I have tried BASE and GROUP, neither seem to make any difference), and I have tried it without any respawn option which simply doesn't allow JIP players to join as anything other than a seagull. I also have disabledAI=1 in description.ext - I know that affects arma GROUP respawn (doesn't seem to spawn on group unless the group has playable AI), not sure if it's the same in ALiVE.

    Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing something (I checked the wiki before posting this)? Or is it a bug?

  3. Thu Oct 16 14:01:51 2014
    G glennog joined the forum.