Last active 4 years ago
Here is the video. Sorry with the artifacts with the grass. Recording ArmA 3 with my grass settings is odd.
@Friznit Can you reliably repro it with just ALiVE & CBA?
Just made one with only ALiVE and CBA and still get the same results. I am currently even uploading a video of it atm.
I just found out that if you have ALiVE on with HC, the AI become "stupid" and your FPS is actually lower than normal. If you don't run ALIVE it does not have the same issues.
I ran an AI test of 100 units without ALiVE and saw the HC was properly assigned and everything went great.
Afterwards, I ran the same test with ALiVE and the AI went dumb and FPS was down by 10-15 fps.
Mod List:
Any idea what is wrong?
@Opendome Thanks so much! Here's the file
Having issues getting it from this site. Could you upload it to google drive possibly?
Also, add me on Steam:
This way I can ask questions to narrow stuff down and get responses faster than every few hours.
@Opendome Im really stuck and dont understand why or what I can do to fix it :( Ive always had this sort of problem even on other missions I made with lower settings than recommended on Isla Duala for instance. Any help would be greatly greatly appreciated
Send me the mission file and I will look it over. ^-^
If I recall, the force readiness is how much of that group is patrolling while the rest is garrisoned (in buildings). So if you got 100 units with a force readiness of 75% then 25 of those units are going to be garrisoned in buildings (Simulating off duty). @HeroesandvillainsOS can probably clarify that better than me though unless I nailed it.
@dev614 Sangin is super dope, but I just feel like it's a tad too small for my taste. Takistan will always be my favorite, even though I developed a love-hate relationship for it because I can't seem to go into detail in any other insurgency missions besides my Takistan ones. I've yet to try Lythium nor Gunkizli, I'll have to check them out!
There was a super dope African map that I really enjoyed a while back too, though the indexing was a bit wonky and AI had a hard time using vehicles because 90% of the map was jungles - it started with a Z, I forget what it was called.
Only one I know of with a Z is Ziwasogo by G.O.S.
It's been a while since the last conversation like this and tons has changed. What is everyone's favorite map and for what in ALiVE? I do enjoy Gunkizli for Insurgency though hard to deal with as a smaller group of people.
Extremely wasteful (to me).
On one hand, I do the same thing with TAOR's for Civilians cause I like to control certain towns / cities (usually to lower their amount for performance but keep smaller villages at a higher count to balance out).
I usually custom adjust a TAOR to the shape of the entire map (and label it's variable name to C1 for example) for general usage (telling AI Commanders to use the map for objectives). I then add maybe another TAOR for blacklisting (Playerbase) or for forcing AI to spawn only at their base and adding an extra placement module set to objectives only to force them to leave the base to occupy the rest of the map, etc.
Here are two pictures of what I mean. Top one is the editor, bottom is what it looks like ingame:
Ignore the quality, my uploader went to shit and I'm too lazy to fix it.
So as you can see, I accomplished the same thing with only three markers.
The khaki colored box is a buffer zone for the main base. This way I can have civilians spawn closer (by not adding the khaki box to their blacklist but adding the blue box) but I can keep insurgents away (by adding the khaki colored box and blue box).
As for the insurgents, I just tell them to occupy C1 (All of Malden) using the civ and mil placement modules.
You could take it a step further and have the insurgents only spawn in one area and then with a second set of placement modules, you can give them objective areas to go take.
Are you referring to just the objectives around your base or the entire map is white?