

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Sat Oct 24 15:51:16 2015
    G ghosteez posted in Extreme lack of civilians?.

    @SpyderBlack723 Set the placement level to extreme. You can also set down several civilian placement modules (keep the number of civilian population modules to 1)

    It is set to extreme, and I do get about 10-15 in some towns, but thanks I didn't know if I could set down several or not! Thanks, makes my life way easier :)

  2. Sat Oct 24 14:35:44 2015
    G ghosteez started the conversation Extreme lack of civilians?.

    Hi there, I'm trying to up the number of civilians spanwed, but every town seems extremely scarce. I don't need tons and tons but some towns theres maybe 4 and some are totally empty..

  3. Sat Oct 24 02:43:39 2015

    Also getting this on a mission, used a vehicle to test persistence, vehicle was gone from base but no longer on the road sadly.

  4. Fri May 29 10:06:31 2015
    G ghosteez posted in Mission Templates.

    @SpyderBlack723 @ghosteez
    Yeah they do, it sounds like you may have some issue that bugs the keybinding, some others have reported it. The only thing I can suggest is that you download the latest version of CBA. If that doesn't work then maybe I can get a dev to look into it. Let me know!

    Ok, got that working, thanks! CAS and Transport are working good, and I figured out a bit more tweaking to modules.

    My one big thing now is how to get respawn working. Obviously the vanilla spawn on squad is working, but I'd like to get an insertion working, or even spawn in building.. it seems no matter how I name the marker and select the type from the Multispawn it refuses to work. I was hoping this would work for MP too so I could port it over for playing w/ friends.

    Sorry for the noob questions, have been using this mod for 2 days lol!

  5. Thu May 28 23:49:47 2015
    G ghosteez posted in Mission Templates.

    Hey all, I'm super super new to the ALiVE mod, these templates have helped a lot, turns out I was overthinking something super simple! lol.

    My main question is, do these missions, specifically the Altis full-scale war, support like CAS runs? Transport? Reinforcements? [If that's possible? New squad members?]

    I know how to do CAS runs, I set it up myself, I know that much, lol! Same w/ Transports, but I can't for the life of me open up the little Tablet, I've rebinded key 20 to P and it still refuses to work, restarts and all.

    I have a laser deg, radio, all that, nothing. What am I doing wrong here? I've added the required modules and linked them. I can see my CAS choppers in-game.

  6. Thu May 28 23:46:58 2015
    G ghosteez joined the forum.