

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Mon Aug 10 19:59:47 2015

    My init.sqf currently reads:

    ["rhs_faction_usarmy_d","rhs_faction_usmc_d"] execVM "Scripts\contact.sqf";
    }, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

    I've changed the waitUntil line to read:

    waitUntil {sleep 0.5; (Servertime - _startTime >= 0.45) or (({_x distance (getMarkerPos _marker) < 300} count ([] call BIS_fnc_listPlayers)) > 0)};

    When the player is within 300m it displays the normal (flashing once every second) behavior on all units including the player. When the player is outside of that distance the markers are spawned but not deleted, and they duplicate at the rate of one every second.
    I'm a bit lost with this, so reporting what I'm seeing is about as much useful input as I can manage.

  2. Mon Aug 10 19:31:44 2015
    B BatSpoggy posted in ALiVE Command Tablet.

    I think so. So there's no way to find out what OPCOM is prioritising at any given moment, you can only get a readout of the priority given at mission start, which isn't really very useful.

    Even so, it's useful as it is currently, and the marking of friendly and known enemy profiles would be an excellent replacement for the intel portion of the C2ISTAR module, which isn't really very good at present.

  3. Mon Aug 10 19:18:42 2015

    That's still showing on the player. Unfortunately this has gone past my understanding of scripting so it's difficult for me to work out what's going on with it. I'm an engineer, I'm really not much of a coder.
    Deleting the marker if the player is within range might actually be better though, as if the player is within range they should have to work out the exact location themselves rather than getting a marker to exactly where they need to go. How would that be done?

  4. Mon Aug 10 19:00:04 2015

    I've copied that in from your edited original and it's still displaying on the player.
    In the missions that I'm making for this I don't ever join AI squads, so if that method would be dependent on doing so then it wouldn't work for me, but it might be of use to other people.

  5. Mon Aug 10 18:42:39 2015
    B BatSpoggy posted in ALiVE Command Tablet.

    Yeah, that looks brilliant. Is there any way to displayed numbered priorities on those? So that the objective that OPCOM is currently most focused on acting against is displayed as #1, with the second one as #2 and so on?

  6. Mon Aug 10 18:17:37 2015

    I've tried it, it's excellent. I'm using one second in the init.sqf and 0.5 seconds in the main code which gives a flashing effect that is brilliant. What I'd like to do is disable this for the player, but changing it to this doesn't seem to work if (!isPlayer _profile) then { _profile = [ALIVE_profileHandler, 'getProfile', _x] call ALIVE_fnc_profileHandler; _position = [_profile, 'position', []] call CBA_fnc_HashGet; }; in fact it breaks the scrip completely and no markers are displayed.
    Any ideas how to get that to work? The problem it causes is that it gives the player an indication any time an enemy is within 300m, which is not something I'd want.

  7. Mon Aug 10 04:52:18 2015

    Fantastic, thanks for that. I'll try it out tonight when I get home from work.

  8. Sun Aug 9 13:49:46 2015
    B BatSpoggy started the conversation Troops in contact detector script help..

    Hi, I'm trying to use the profiled unit detection part of the script snippets to make a sort of "firefight detector" script.
    The basic premise is that it needs to detect when Blufor and Opfor units are within approximately 300m of each other and move or create a marker at that location to indicate to the player that friendly units are engaged.
    So far I can create a trigger that will activate if both friendly and enemy units are present within it, but to use this I'd have to fill the entire map area with duplicates of this trigger and I'd get weird behavior if the units were across a trigger boundary.
    The code I'm using is this: ((count ([getposATL thisTrigger, 50, ["EAST","entity"]] call ALIVE_fnc_getNearProfiles)) > 0);. Does anybody know of a way to modify or utilize this in a way that would allow me to check each friendly profile on the map for enemy profiles within 300m, and then move a marker to the friendly profile in question.

  9. Sun Aug 9 08:05:45 2015
    B BatSpoggy posted in ALiVE Command Tablet.

    I don't think I'd be able to help with development of this as I don't have the skills for it, but I can definitely say I'd use it.
    Obviously I'd be most interested if the AI movement was working in MP, but even in the state you're describing it'd be useful as the battlefield analysis part would be a useful addition. Especially if it displayed the current objective that OPCOM is focused on, I'm currently finding that with large scenarios it can be a bit of a guessing game to work out where the AI commander is trying to attack next so that I can take my units to assist, this would solve that problem beautifully.

  10. Sat Aug 8 12:30:22 2015
    B BatSpoggy posted in Balancing of forces in Invasion.

    So the Force Pool number is groups not individual units, and the unit placement number is individual units?

    I think I might have found what I'm looking for.
    I've currently got a Blufor TAOR that is 1/4th the size of the Opfor one, both are set to spawn a Light Inf company of 100. With both sides set to dynamic Force Pool I can see Opfor have spawned about 60 groups all through their large TAOR, but Blufor have 10 groups spread over their much smaller TAOR.
    As Blufor capture parts of Opfor's area, will they then spawn in more groups as Opfor can spawn in less groups?

    If so then I think this is my solution. I thought that Opfor would need Light Inf 400 and Blufor Light Inf 100 to balance it out, but if this means that Blufor get more groups as they take territory then it'll do exactly what I want.

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