

Last active 2 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Sun Jan 1 11:46:11 2017

    Not tested but this should work if you add it to the init.sqf

    waituntil {!isnil "ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks"};
    ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = [];

    What it does it basically remove all the available missions from the pool that it choose from, not sure what happens if the feature is enabled while the pool is empty but I would guess that there is a check for that and it simply does nothing. Try it out and see if you get any script errors first though.

    see: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Custom_Blacklists

  2. Sun Jan 1 11:25:03 2017
    I Imbazil posted in DXGI issue - game crash.

    Seems like a memory leak/issue, do you use regular or dev build of Arma? any other mods installed?

    Edit: have you done any changes to the pagefile? could be worth it to check that all the settings are in order.

  3. Tue Dec 20 11:50:34 2016

    Ah i see, that explains why I didn't find it, I guess you could consider this as a feature request for a new module setting then ;)

  4. Tue Dec 20 06:15:35 2016

    That is what I'm using now but those settings don't seem to include all the info you get when the mode above gets activated. It works fine this way as well I just thought it would be a small thing to activate it sinse the functionality already exist.

  5. Mon Dec 19 17:00:37 2016

    I was unable to find it in the module settings. I am talking about the extra markers that show up when you hit "show commander objectives" and select the blufor commander under intel. Arrows showing where the units are moving and current objectives and such. Is there already a option for those that I missed?

  6. Mon Dec 19 16:07:13 2016

    Still haven't managed to get this working, anyone know if it's doable?

  7. Fri Dec 16 00:27:46 2016

    If you get the "influence system" up and running I would love to have a look, been trying to get that kind of victory condition working without luck.

  8. Wed Dec 14 15:33:50 2016
    I Imbazil started the conversation how to toggle "Show commander objectives" by script?.


    I think the "show commander objectives" of C2ISTAR looks really neat and would like the regular map to have this look per default, I can see that the regular map updates in the background to mirror what is shown on the tablet but when I close the tablet the regular map obviously reverts back to normal.

    Is there a line of code I could type in somewhere to toggle / activate this manually? I tried looking in the functions viewer but I was unable to make out the correct commands.

  9. Mon Dec 12 20:43:30 2016

    Did you try it just now or was it sometime before? I just unloaded all mods and set up a basic mission, I used two different items (compass and watch) for Combat Support and C2ISTAR and saw the same behavior there.

    So when I remove the item for C2ISTAR from my inventory I also loose the Combat Support access, but the item linked to the Combat Support seem to correctly toggle access as I pick up / drop it.

  10. Mon Dec 12 18:53:36 2016

    But I still like to use C2ISTAR for auto-tasking and generating intel, just have the menu options tied to a different item.

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