

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Mon Nov 30 08:33:57 2015

    Bad news for us because we often play ->ace3 ->without instant death. So this is not fixable in a short term? Should i open a ticket @ ace?

  2. Mon Nov 30 08:29:13 2015

    We also use (at the moment, we need to investigate more :( ) ASR and it works ok (HC+Server). Only 2 thing is that they split up too often (?) and attack from too far away (ace) with iron sight. When firefights take longer we only see single enemy running/standing around. We dont know why all groups split up after a while.

    Its very hard because we dont have 1 AI "mod", they all do usefull stuff but it seems that using "all" (3) causes some problems.

  3. Mon Nov 16 21:44:19 2015
    N Numrollen posted in NewClan Problems/Questions.

    So. First WOW Test tonight. Results:

    1 Player (me), same mission as saturday, with same mods (except alive data): https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AKQKSl6xc1Y22U0&v=3&cid=E8CFBEE28DEF33C6&group=0&id=E8CFBEE28DEF33C6!271&parId=E8CFBEE28DEF33C6!270&o=OneUp

    As expected: main server bad cps, headless client average fps (still ok for 437 ai's i think).

    1 Player (me), same mission as saturday, without any mods (except alive & cba): https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AC3VlFBGuDLBJhc&v=3&cid=E8CFBEE28DEF33C6&group=0&id=E8CFBEE28DEF33C6!272&parId=E8CFBEE28DEF33C6!270&o=OneUp

    Ok. Looks like our mods used on saturday needs much testing what mod is causing this bullshit. I hope not all. No freak mods used. :(

    we used 2 days ago: -mod=@AllInArmaTerrainPack;@CBA_A3;@HAFM_A3;@HAFM_EC635;@JSRS2.2;@LeightsOpfor;@RAM;@RHSAFRF;@RHSUSAF;@ace;@bwa3;@task_force_radio;@ALiVE;

    Friznit: http://pastebin.com/Bp6ATc2U

  4. Mon Nov 16 14:22:21 2015
    N Numrollen posted in NewClan Problems/Questions.
    • Ok, will go ALiVE Perf monitor on Alive missions then, for testing ASM is faster.
    • on the low cps i would like to check out the HC data, how his performance look like. will this be a future feature?
    • will alive support more then 1 HC?
    • group spawn limiter yes, but this was also a performance test to see how well arma3+alive will do with so many ai's. So it was ok to spawn > 300 ai's.
    • ALiVE Perf monitor -> arma3server.exe data will come in the future (cpu/ram/..) ?
    • We will split HC <-> arma3server.exe on 2 SSD's to maximise performance but we will need to go on with testing to see when this low cps occure. We will test also the next days with alive only. I will report if im getting other results. Yes, some ais were really dump.
    1. The group search function dont work reliable. If you search our clan with Clantag or the full name it dont work. (also the "ö,ä,ü makes problems? :P )
    2. I know but would also be good to join over the clanpage and see all the infos on the page.
    3. signature looks like our problem, will bomb our forums mod to look after it.
  5. Sun Nov 15 12:27:10 2015
    N Numrollen posted in NewClan Problems/Questions.

    i know you can only do with arma3 what arma3 can do. This is no critic, only feedback. If this helps you im glad ;)

    39 CPS? cant be. I looked @ arma3 server monitor live on my 2nd monitor while in the mission and after the mission i checked ALiVE Performance Monitoring and he tells me the same.
    We startet with ~43cps and ended with 38cps but most time of the 3h session we had 1-6.

    all ai where on HC (beside 3-14 while spawning).

    To get this turn around: Only a few players had performance issues, the most are really impressed! No yellow chains, only the 2 heavy laggs (but no red chain). The ambient was good and for our first "bigger" performance heavy Missions it runs great! Its still a longer way then i expected to bring all missions builders to alive :P im working on it.

  6. Sat Nov 14 23:35:02 2015
    N Numrollen posted in NewClan Problems/Questions.

    we had an "test" event tonight. 99% build with alive, we were 21people.

    • 400 opfor ai , 200 bluefor ai fighting with us a city that were held by opfor. we used 1 Hc on a 4770, SSD, 32GB Ram machine.
    • 2 heavy laggs where even the arma server monitor stopped showing live data.
    • the alive live feed show only "72" enemy killed? On a tank with 3 people only the commander the kills.
    • some vehicles "freezes", they didnt react on infantrie or our tank, others did very good (against our infantrie)
    • i love ALiVE Performance Monitoring
    • most ai where alone and cluttered all over the field. I dont know how they normally react to a tank but most time with over 500m they didnt notice it even our tank were shooting all round the place.
    • with maximum of 348 ai "spawned" we had the hole time 35-46fps BUT only 1-6 cps.

    here the server rpt:

  7. Thu Nov 12 08:23:07 2015
    N Numrollen posted in NewClan Problems/Questions.

    With this "mod" i dont doubt you are full of ideas. Hopefully with more and more alive missions coming up i can/will report more if there are any usefull informations from the players.

  8. Wed Nov 11 12:43:09 2015
    N Numrollen started the conversation NewClan Problems/Questions.

    Hey, for years (mso, thearmainterview...) now im following your work, trying to get our mission makers to use alive for our modset and in mission. Now we are getting into it, im really interested. Its just THE best service in arma3. Thats it! I hope i can help you with this post and get the idea. Im glad about alive as is, dont get this wrong. So i just will write here some stuff what reaches me from our clan members (and inside my brain) about the "first" real contact with it.


    • Warroom account not synct with this forum. You need 2 accounts for beeing alive ;=)
    • Warroom Worldmap is crowded, many inactiv clans, no good overwatch what clans are active in our country using alive.
    • Warroom "looking for group" is a bit confusing, search dont work.
    • You cant apply to a clan over their clan page and dont see in the clanpage what they stand for and see their application text.
    • Warroom dont accept our domain. it contains a "ä" and is very long, so even our official email adress i cant use (more then 32 chars). At the moment i use a http://xn-- but this dont looks good ;)
    • Signature dont work? [IMG ] http:/ / www. alivemod com/api/sig?id=xxxxxxxx[/IMG], we need to add .jpg so it looks like: [IMG ] http:/ / www. alivemod com/api/sig?id=xxxxxxxx.jpg[/IMG]

    About statistics, we are not after the kill/death ratio, more about the: What did we wrong, what can we do better, what needed to be trained. ATM @ warroom "personal" i just see "loading..", so perhaps it is already there ;)

    • Is it possible to see how effective a player/unit/utility was on (only) THIS mission? At the moment i only see global statistics over all missions and a live view of a specitic mission, is this right?
    • More statistics possible? how many civilians were killed (friendly ones) ? e.g. % of the mortar hit rate (appears in the AAR as soon as a player entered the "tool"? So we can see in the after action report how well this tank was or this group of players? Or, i dont know if there is a statistic data about an ai was suppressed by player actions -> % of how often this player suppress an ai (changes of stances?). No better idea ;)
    • we are using ace3. this mods statistics wont be availible for alive data right? How often 1 person get woundet and received medical aid? And in comparison what group needed the most medical aid and so on?
    • we are using BWMod and RHS. What happen with this statistics? Alive dont know all these i think?

    i will end here, i think enough blah.

  9. Wed Nov 11 12:04:54 2015
    N Numrollen joined the forum.