

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Thu Dec 7 14:41:15 2017

    UPDATE: It seems running the code: [getPos player, [side player], -20] call ALIVE_fnc_updateSectorHostility; doesn't do anything to the hostility? I've been debugging the Hostility using the Asymm OPCOM, and it seems when I run the code in a sector, nothing happens. The hostility eventually changes from -100 to 10 or 20 after the player stands in the area for long enough, but running the actual code seems to not change anything.

    I ran the code in the debug console, using the server execution (I tried all executions just in case, though) and no dice. Only thing that was changing the hostility was player presence. I also tried to exchange "player" for a variable name of a unit, which also did not work. :(

  2. Thu Dec 7 14:27:02 2017
    dev614 started the conversation Move Military AI Commander module on mission init?.

    Would it be possible to allow the Military AI Commander module for a faction to be placed at a random location whenever the game begins? This would mix up the base of the insurgency for my mission and (since I created it) I know the ins-and-outs of who spawns where, what objectives who goes after first, etc. Doing this would add replayability and just an aura of mystery where I'd actually have to pull recon to figure out the situation!

  3. Thu Dec 7 02:59:35 2017
    dev614 started the conversation Reasonable number to lower hostility?.

    Hey, I'm creating a script using triggers that will lower civilian hostility whenever a Medical truck is drove into town, adding an action to Unload the truck that will shoot off the script and lower the hostility. My only question is, what would be a reasonable rate to lower the hostility? How much actually makes a difference? What are the thresholds?

  4. Tue Dec 5 14:39:41 2017
    dev614 started the conversation Tasking area blacklists?.

    Is there a way to blacklist an area using a marker that will keep the OPCOM from assigning the player tasks in said area? The OPCOM frequently assigns combat rescue and hostage missions, but the hostages/rescuee are always literally right next to our main base.

  5. Sun Dec 3 22:24:16 2017
    dev614 started the conversation Can non virtualized units capture objectives?.

    Is there a way to allow non-virtualized, editor placed units under the player's command (not in group, using High Command) to capture ALiVE objectives?

  6. Tue Mar 21 22:16:27 2017

    How does one identify the OPCOM name? I tried renaming my military commander module to "OPCOM_Blu" in the editor, and using the following code in a trigger:

    [OPCOM_Blu,"addObjective", [str random 10000, getPos K4A, 100, "CIV", 100] ] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM;

    I only want the objective being placed for my BLUFOR units, the code before worked fine in the trigger I just don't want every OPCOM instance to recieve that objective, only BLUFOR.

    UPDATE: Got it working by unnaming mil commander module and using "OPCOM_1" instead of "OPCOM_Blu" in code. Thanks for the help, Spyder!

  7. Tue Mar 21 21:05:50 2017

    Getting this error when activating the trigger,

    '...e") then { nil } else { _value },
    _hash |#|select 3] call (uiNamespace getVariable ...'
    Error Generic error in expression
    File /x/alive/addons/x_lib/functions/data/fnc_hashSet.sqf [ALiVE_fnc_hashSet], line 1824

    Any ideas?

  8. Tue Mar 21 20:33:15 2017

    You're a saint. Thank you!

  9. Tue Mar 21 20:23:28 2017
    dev614 started the conversation Help with code to add objectives.

    How would I modify this code to ID each objective created to something unique/different, so I can add multiple objectives?

    if (triggerActivated obj) then {{[_x,"addObjective", ["OPCOM_custom_1", getPos K4A, 100, "CIV", 100] ] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM; } foreach OPCOM_INSTANCES};
  10. Mon Mar 20 19:43:12 2017

    Okay, so I've found the classnames and set up a trigger where if groups from my platoon detect an installation, they'll radio it in. Now is there a way to set the rattan tables/refridgerators/whiteboards/water coolers as destroyable?

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