

Last active 7 months ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Jan 17 16:52:56 2017
    A Asmodeus posted in RHS 0.4.2 Discussion thread.

    @Friznit Well the first issue is of course it's Steam Workshop only, which I understand may be problematic if you run a Linux server.

    Don't know how much of a common knowledge it is but use programs such as psftp to transfer files between the server and any other computer. One can find psftp along with a program called "Putty" here: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html

    I personally use psftp to transfer Arma 3 modifications (such as Iron Front lite) that are only to be found from Steam Workshop. One just needs to find the hidden !Workshop-folder where all the Workshop files go. Somewhere around here --> L:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop

  2. Mon Jan 16 18:54:36 2017

    Hopeless for me. Is there anyone that could decipher what to put and where and if something needs to be changed? for greater good and so not to cause an untimely death to SpyderBlack because putting all the strain on him

  3. Sat Jan 14 11:01:46 2017

    So how could I go on to create triggers that activate endMission or BIS_fnc_endMission state with the help of this "listener"?

  4. Thu Jan 12 20:54:11 2017

    @Tupolov Location is not case sensitive.

    You have to set Weather Climate to REAL.

    Weather Override will simply use the real time from your server right now. We don't recommend this.

    For example, you are playing a day time mission in takistan and you select afghanistan/kandahar as the location. By default it get the game time weather for kandarhar.

    If you select Weather Override for real time and your server is in Chicago, it will get the weather in Kandahar for the real local time in Chicago (not game time). So if your game time is noon and the real time in Chicago is 7pm, it will get the weather in Kandahar at 7pm. This obviously will be a bit weird.

    Hope that makes sense.

    I emptied the Weather Override field in the hopes of maybe seeing the weather cycle work as expected but no. Got served with a 400 minute weather change cycle after the first 30 minute cycle.

    @Tupolov Oh and real weather ignores the weather cycles and just lets BIS weather system do its thing,

    So are you saying that if the BIS weather cycle is set to 30 minutes as per default (see the picture below)-image-
    and ALiVE doesn't follow that nor it's OWN cycle delay it's just "BIS weather system doing its thing"?? Why even implement such functionality if it's known from the get-go that IF the functionality doesn't work it must be BIS' fault.

    I've been here trying to get somekind of change to show up in the in-game weather with 5 or 6 different world coordinates and typing Switzerland/Zurich (all locations where there should be raining as I type) but no matter what the weather is always the same: which is clear (with a chance of meatballs).

    ps. btw. are you supposed to write Zurich OR Zürich


  5. Thu Jan 12 19:01:13 2017

    @BvB Havent tried latest updatw but just prior (December) vanilla mortars weren't working, they would only fire one round each regardless of how many requested. The same happened with RHS towed arty (M118/D30). I know at least a few versions ago these all seemed t9 work.

    Strangely, Unsung mod's US 107mm mortars will fire all rounds requested. They do have a much higher rate of fire than vanilla though, which may be relevant. I noticed the vanilla mortars fire their one round, act like their aiming again then stop, almost lile not being able to immediately fire causes them to abort. Odd though since the SPA pieces work without a hitch.

    I ran a @CBA_A3 + @ALiVE test with vanilla BLUFOR mortars by placing a Player Combat Support (Artillery) with B_Mortar_01_F in the Arty/Mortar type -field and then syncing the module with Player Combat Support module. Then fired up the mission and:
    can confirm that the mortars fire only one round each and then turn idle while the messaging about the fire mission continues until the end.

    So, any ideas what to use in the meantime when (HOPEFULLY) the artillery module makes a return in better than ever shape? In my opinion ALiVE's version is hands down best implementation because it doesn't involve scripting, setting up static target points or tbh not much setting up at all, is user friendly + the precision of fire is spot on for my taste at least: not pinpoint accuracy but not too inaccurate either.

    And what about Iron Front lite then when the new and awesome artillery module comes available? Probably won't work with its artillery pieces? Is there something I could do for you dear devs? Maybe make contact with the IFl team and ask if they could do "these three things" so that their stuff would work seamlessly with ALiVE?

  6. Wed Jan 11 20:56:57 2017

    Should there be somekind of compatibility with the ALiVE Player Combat Support module and Iron Front (lite) artillery pieces?

    Even though the artillery pieces spawn as expected but when asking for a fire mission they never fire a single round in-between the messaging about the fire mission and up until

    "Alpha 1-1, Battery ALPHA 4-3 is ready for fire mission. Out"

    I tested this with two different methods and both return the same outcome:

    First I placed a Player Combat Support (Artillery) module and placed both (not at the same time duh) LIB_BM37 (Soviet mortar) and LIB_GRWR34 (Germany mortar) in the Arty/Mortar type -field. Then I synced PCS (Artillery) with the main PCS module. Tested both mortar types in the game where I could see that even if the artillery pieces aimed themselves towards the target they never fired a single round.

    Then I placed three mortar units by hand in the editor, synced them to Player Combat Support and placed these lines in the init-field of the mortar "vehicles":

    this setvariable ["CS_TYPE","ARTY"]; this setvariable ["CS_ARTILLERY_HE","50"];

    then off to test again and same result as in the first case.

    Do you @ALiVEdevs have any insight to share here that is it even possible to use ALiVE + IFlite artillery assets together at the moment?

  7. Wed Jan 11 19:18:58 2017

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  No problem.

    I wrote Afghanistan/Kabul as "AFGHANISTAN/KABUL" in all caps in my missions.

    Is that a problem? Do they need to be lowercase?

    I think it would be for the best to ping one of the devs about that. The wiki can be somewhat contradicting
    when there's examples written in all caps and then again not. See:

    "Enter a COUNTRY/CITY"


    "Examples: CA/San_Franciso, England/London,"

    If there is somekind of difference in how something is written then it should be explicitly stated which is the correct way.

    I made another half an hour test and the result is still that after the first cycle the second one will already be something different than what is set in the module, see:

    21:00:23 "Module ALiVE_sys_weather [SERVER] OVERCAST: 0.450023, NEXTWEATHERCHANGE IN: 26400.3 SECONDS (440.01 MINUTES)"

    This is what I had set for the second test mission

  8. Wed Jan 11 18:27:29 2017

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  Not sure if it's related but you don't have "Real" selected in the module.

    *facepalm* @me
    Thanks for pointing those out. I'm certain (certainly certain!) that there was only "the normal" climate and override settings that have been there for what.. 2 years? I didn't see any "real" settings in the dropdown menus I swear! :P

    @HeroesandvillainsOS Also, coordinates are acceptable, rather than COUNTRY/CITY (IE AFGHANISTAN/KABUL)?

    According to ALiVE wiki - Weather coordinates should be acceptable

    Examples: CA/San_Franciso, England/London, Afghanistan/Kabul, autoip (uses server location), 37.776289,-122.395234 (latitude,longitude).

    I'm off to test the real weather for the next 30 minutes now that I got all the correct settings set x) Thanks Heroes!

  9. Wed Jan 11 17:52:39 2017


    I placed an ambient dynamic weather module in the mission I'm creating and then went on to test how it's working in dedicated server conditions. As per set in the module itself the countdown to weather change began from 1800 seconds (30 minutes) at the start of the mission. I spent the next 30 minutes following the debug output from the module and there it was pushing updated data to the server as expected.

    Then at the 30 minute mark the output stopped for few minutes (can't say for certain for how long actually but it was longer than one minute) and then when the weather output continued to flow again I was shown this:

    19:21:10 "Module ALiVE_sys_weather [SERVER] OVERCAST: 0.340072, NEXTWEATHERCHANGE IN: 30118.5 SECONDS (501.97 MINUTES)"

    Is such behaviour expected/this is working as intended? I was certainly expecting the second cycle to be 1800 seconds (30 minutes) as I have set here:


  10. Wed Jan 11 15:06:10 2017

    Hackathon?! Thank you for the dedication you're displaying ALiVE team! I can feel myself getting excited seeing you guys so enthusiastic about what you're doing!

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