

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Apr 26 09:50:14 2016

    @DaVidoSS I have created a functions to populate notification to every player in range 200 m when insurgency installation has been destroyed. If that happen every near building where was some IED's on tables blew up as well just from detonation case. This is giving nice immersion and new game play experiences and i think it would be a god idea to add such event to the ALiVE mod.

    Can you provide the function you made? The more Immersion the better.

  2. Tue Apr 26 09:46:37 2016

    You could disable the HUD (at least some things) and the third Person view for Immersion too. In my opinion ACE is perfect for better and more immersive gameplay, single and multiplayer. I do like JSRS too, since the sounds are more.. epic? Especially the BRRRRRRRT sounds awesome and brings a smile on my face every single time.
    Spyder Addons is great for the civilian interaction, same goes for the Environment things like sheep n goats.
    Another quite interesting Thing is VCOM AI Driving Mod/Script. AI not getting stuck in objects while driving or not beeing able to drive around an object is pretty bad for the Feeling.

  3. Tue Apr 26 07:56:38 2016
    Murdock posted in Hazey's Insurgency.

    I'm using the Template from Hazeys Insurgency.
    But I will so god will post my Mission some time sooner or later.
    Need to polish out some more bugs and add some shiny things, then translate some things to english (some of my colleagues don't understand english that well, so I made all briefings in german) and then I'll Show that precious Little Thing to the world.
    Until then, you will just have to wait, @HeroesandvillainsOS 

  4. Tue Apr 26 05:56:21 2016
    Murdock posted in Suggestions for a mission..

    Did you take a look at antistasi altis yet? It ain't alive but it is pretty much the mission you described.
    At least for some Inspiration it has some really nice Features

  5. Tue Apr 26 05:54:11 2016
    Murdock posted in Hazey's Insurgency.

    Good to know. Will Test it asap and report back.
    Thanks for now :)

  6. Tue Apr 26 05:53:22 2016
    Murdock posted in TRACE and Persistence?.

    So the small Grid is only for if the buildings are cleared, not the streets? If so, i did understand, thanks a lot

  7. Mon Apr 25 22:03:09 2016
    Murdock posted in Hazey's Insurgency.

    "PipeBombCore" ?
    Should I change that to something else or is it really that exact class-type?

  8. Mon Apr 25 22:01:41 2016
    Murdock posted in TRACE and Persistence?.

    I am not talking about the big red grids in which a possible enemy presence is shown. I talk about the TRACE, earlier CQB Grid. the smaller ones. As soon as you clear them, they turn green. But an enemy patrol or some other guys could reenter that grid and it would still be green.
    I'd love to see it turn red in that case again, so the player know that this area is not cleared (enough)

  9. Mon Apr 25 16:48:08 2016
    Murdock posted in Hazey's Insurgency.

    It is from Hazeys Insurgency. File is fn_spawnCache.sqf.

    //--- Add event handlers to the cache
    //--- Handle damage for only Satchel and Demo charge.
    CACHE addEventHandler ["handledamage", {
    	if ((_this select 4) in ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo","DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo","SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted","DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted"]) then {
    		(_this select 0) setdamage 1;
    		//--- Event handler to call explosion effect and score.
    		(_this select 0) spawn INS_fnc_cacheKilled;
    	} else {
    		(_this select 0) setdamage 0;
    //--- End of event handlers
  10. Mon Apr 25 16:46:17 2016
    Murdock posted in TRACE and Persistence?.

    Yeah. Is it possible to turn those grids red again as soon as enemies arrive?

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