

Last active 4 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Wed Jan 18 03:06:50 2017

    Still nothing. I have definitely played over 4 minutes in the mission now. is the correct inidbi2 correct?

    I have also tried using the full script package with intel and undercover scripts, in case I broke some dependency. Still doesn't seem to work. I just can't figure it out.

  2. Tue Jan 17 21:54:01 2017

    No dice. Still doesn't persist my group.

    Here is my test mission setup.


  3. Tue Jan 17 19:45:23 2017

    How would I set up the group persist standalone (without the undercover script)?

    Can I do this with your airpower script as well?

    So I deleted the other folders in INCON (intel and undercover), as well as deleting them from the cfgFunctions and functionsWhitelist.

    My description.ext is this:

    class CfgFunctions
    	#include "INC_airPower\cfgFunctions.hpp"
    	#include "INCON\cfgFunctions.hpp"
    class CfgRemoteExec
       class Functions
           mode = 2;
           jip = 1;
           #include "INC_airPower\functionsWhitelist.hpp"
    	   #include "INCON\functionsWhitelist.hpp"

    And my initPlayerLocal.sqf is this:

    if (player getVariable ["APW_initRadioTrig",false]) then {[player,"createRadTrig"] call APW_fnc_APWMain;};
    if (player getVariable ["APW_initAddaction",false]) then {player addaction ["Request air support","INC_airpower\scripts\airpowerSpawn.sqf",[],1,false,true,"","(_this == _target) && !(missionNamespace getVariable ['APW_airAssetRequested',false])"];};

    I do not have initUnits.sqf as it seemed it was only for intel. I have iniDB2 running on server and client, and have ensured save mission time is on.

    When I restart the server, I persist as normal, however my group resets as they were at the beginning of the mission. Is this because they are editor placed units, and I need to use either player logistics or Spyder's recruitment module to make my squad?

  4. Tue Jan 17 08:00:04 2017
    P patpowercat posted in VCom and ALiVE.

    So post that in the player combat support code field?

  5. Sat Jan 14 22:19:44 2017
    P patpowercat posted in ORBAT Trouble.

    Still can do it. Take RHS VDV faction, move all groups into their respective appropriate ALIVE compatible facitons, still get same error.

    Tried deleting the config.cpp file, but then although it says the PBO packs appropriately, nothing seems to be there when loaded.

  6. Wed Jan 11 01:18:54 2017
    P patpowercat posted in ORBAT Trouble.

    So this seems to be fairly specific to RHS and only factions which have the UAZ or GAZ. I've done other factions, including those from RHS GREF and RHS USAF. Haven't done every one though, just FYI for peeps

  7. Tue Jan 10 22:13:34 2017
    P patpowercat posted in ORBAT Trouble.

    Oh. Nevermind. Just got lucky trying a different faction.

  8. Tue Jan 10 21:51:21 2017
    P patpowercat posted in ORBAT Trouble.

    Super simple solution. I just needed to export the CfgPatches too and paste that into the CfgPatches included in the @testMod.

  9. Sun Jan 8 16:56:06 2017
    P patpowercat posted in staticData.sqf Broken.

    I am dumb. I'll see myself out.

  10. Sat Jan 7 14:46:46 2017
    P patpowercat posted in staticData.sqf Broken.

    No I don't actually have the #, that's where Arma is telling me it needs the ].

    ALIVE_sideDefaultSupports = [] call ALIVE_fnc_hashCreate;
    18:50:31   Error position: <= [] call ALIVE_fnc_hashCreate;
    18:50:31   Error Missing ]
    18:50:31 Error in expression <

    I get the same result with an error in the same position for the custom blacklists.

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