Last active 3 years ago
Where is the autogen.hpp file supposed to be located?
It's referred to in here. I can't for the love of me find it.
I'm still having this issue. It should be noted that I'm not using any AI mods.
I got a littlebird to land properly, however the AI does NOT seem to want to land much of anything else.
EDIT- I have reason to suspect this is the old issue with ACE FRIES coming back to haunt, because once the chopper gets low to a certain point, he'll just go way back up and come around and try again, rinse and repeat.
Yeah, after I get home from work tonight I am going to rebuild the mission- again- however this time I'm going to do combat support first and test it bit by bit as I add modules.
I hate ARMA lol.
EDIT: Also, if you want me to post the mission file where it doesn't work I can do that.
Okay I added all the ACE modules from the main mission into the bare-bones test mission I made and it still works after adding ACE to the test mission. There are a ton of modules in play on the mission where it doesn't work and I have no idea what it could be.
I'm using vanilla factions/choppers. And I don't even get the scroll wheel option.
Just now I made a new mission with only the ALiVE module, and the Combat Support Modules and was able to get the option and it worked.
I'm wondering if any of the ACE modules I have down on the main mission are messing with it?
Also using Spyder addons.
Okay, so I completely rebuilt the mission from scratch with a new mission file. I got the Combat Support to work. Sort of.
I can use the ALiVE menu and go to Combat Support, however I am unable to talk to transport Pilots via the scroll wheel action when I'm in a chopper. Any ideas?
I replaced the combat support module and it didn't work. Do I need to replace something else too?
I did recently add ASR_AI3 but I don't think that would affect it would it?
I have a mission I've been working with for a long time (since ALiVE 0.97ish) and today when I booted it up to test some things, I found that the Player Combat Support is no longer working. There's no option in the ALiVE tablet to access it, and I can't even talk to pilots when I get in a transport that is linked either.
Did something change lately with the way Player Combat Support is configured? Because I haven't made any changes to it in my mission since the last time it worked.