Last active 8 years ago
ah ok :(
well...whats the code to add to my single arty tank to make it have 999999999999999 of each shots ?
even better...may i "reload" it with a trigger and a code every X minutes?
to Riley: no way to limit it to 1 arty mission every X time ?
to Savage: yep i know, but in that way the shot number is bugged ! any idea to get the correct shot number?
to Heroes: no man, i just mean the arty fire mission ! the radio message say its over, and then arty is ready again !
hello guys !
after some experiments i discorvered whats causing the problem !
i was using a single arty vehicle, with all the code needed to make it work for alive as an arty.
this setvariable ["CS_TYPE","ARTY"];this setvariable ["CS_CALLSIGN","IronRain One"];this addEventHandler ["Fired",{(_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1}];
i tested with the arty module, and it spawn 3 arty tanks, and each one fire 1/3 of the shots (becasue there are other 2 artys firing) its kinda correct !
my problem is that for performance reasons i wish to use one single arty tank to its there is way of do it right with 1 tank only?
i found another problem....i set 30 minutes for CS respawn (in combat support module).
BUT... right after an arty fire mission is over (last shot landed) the arty is ready again to be used !
i wish to pass some time from one firemission to another ! thanks !
hello! just for 1.1.1 arty bug still present!
bye !
Hello....sorry can someone explain exactly every step to remove this crates ? Thanks !!
Hello and thanks !
I tried this before posting, unfortunately the 1.58 seems no longer avaible, now legacy is 1.60 (a version already bugged ).
Cant be a firewall problem because my pc is on DMZ...and didnt changed anything from 1.58 (where everything was working perfectly for at least 8 players !).
Thanks anyway for your ideas !
Anyone has a 1.58 dedicated server executable to share ? Was working perfectly with it
Yes, 1.1.0, but the problem persist also whithout mods. Seems related to the vanilla patches...