

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Mon Aug 1 14:54:44 2016
    D Dexious started the conversation Server performance @ 0 fps - Need advice.

    Hello folks,

    Firstly i would like to thank you for your awsome mod and this community where i learnt a lot as i tend to lurk in these forums a lot.

    I'm having a strange problem while hosting a particular Alive mission on a rented server. (Not Dedicated)

    While on my PC* while i host with TADST the server performance ranges from 15-50 (15 on big cities with alot CQB) on my rented server i'm starting with 0 server fps and mission doesn't spawn the virtual groups when i'm on top of them nor the CQB units.

    Players can join, move and do stuff normaly.

    Some notes, i use 2 AI Commanders with ~300 Objectives each. Map Al Rayak.
    Mods: Alive,CBA,CUP,RHS

    Other Alive missions hosted in Tanoa with around same Objectives load fine on rented server with fps range 15-46.

    Any advice? (I might need to just lower the AI Objectives to 80 each?)

    I can provide the logs if needed.

    *i7-4790k @ 4,5Ghz / 16Gb DDR3

  2. Mon Aug 1 14:24:40 2016
    D Dexious joined the forum.