Last active 6 years ago
@WarlordX07 I could probably script something like this into the mission file. Wouldn't be too hard.
I think what @WarlordX07 wants is the old town manager from MSO and the HUMINT/SIGINT system.
For different sides this is easy. Like @SpyderBlack723 state earlier but with tweaks...
Side West
respawn_west_1 respawn_west_2 respawn_west_3
Side East
respawn_east_1 respawn_east_2 respawn_east_3
Side Independent
respawn_guerrila_1 respawn_guerrila_2 respawn_guerrila_3
I like this cooperation. You just don't see that very much anymore in the Arma community.
Nah I'm good homey. I got an insurgency that I made that is running on my community's server that we use to play quite a bit but recently most of us have been taking a break with Arma 3 and a lot of us play The Division, War Game, and lots of other games.
Not sure, need moderator to chime in on this
Heads up @AUTigerGrad ... I don't think we are allowed to advertise on here.
I don't understand why they change the ID's????? It doesn't help anyone out. Some people design missions around those object ID's too.
Temporary fix from esteldunedain
ace_medical_fixedStatics = []; private _fixStatic = { params ["_vehicle"]; private _vehType = typeOf _vehicle; if (!(_vehType in ace_medical_fixedStatics)) then { ace_medical_fixedStatics pushBack _vehType; [{ 1 preloadObject (_this select 0); }, { }, [_vehType]] call ace_common_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute; }; }; ["StaticWeapon", "init", _fixStatic] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; ["Car", "init", _fixStatic] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; addMissionEventHandler ["Loaded",{ { [{ 1 preloadObject (_this select 0); }, { }, [_x]] call ace_common_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute; } forEach ace_medical_fixedStatics; }];