Last active 7 years ago
I am always use this. Works very nice
Update insurgents config patch.
Added custom roadblocks which is changing vanilla static guns to used by faction.
Upgrade roadblocks to be much more defensive.
Optional config for mas_nato_rus_sf_veh included.
StaticData file included.
Need be loaded with @middle_East_Warfare , @mas_nato_rus_sf_veh and @NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons
Insurgents faction = OPF_MTI_F
My config patchs have no groups with unarmed units. If you use config patches factions you will never see unarmed units running around.
Set variable name to SpyderAddons_sup_loadout and then try to synchronize witch its variable name using correct eventhandler syntax
addEventHandler ["respawn", { _this synchronizeObjectsAdd [modulevariablename]}];
I am confused about is the ask. Using HC in ALiVE is very easy, no need any extra configuration. What you need is playable Headless client module in your scenario and proper configuration of server.cfg for your server.
There are everything including Naval forces.
Over 2000 lines of code.
You need to define in ALiVE opcom logistic which forces will be used by OPCOM in your scenario
Well arma is kind of game where you can change everything. What you need is time and knowledge.
I am not saying that i am knew everything, just such wide possibilities are inspiring. If you have something but not like you dreaming of just change it. Look that patch in there over 1000 lines of code. I wrote it within 16 hours not because i am maniac, only because i need it.
I am also glad if that is usefully for someone else.
You need any function which will be returning dominant faction.
In alive there are such function already :
ALiVE_fnc_getDominantFaction Description: Returns the dominant faction within given radius, Takes into account profiles Parameters: Array - Position measuring from Number - Distance being measured (optional) Returns: Number - Faction ConfigName ("BLU_F","OPF_F",etc.) Examples: (begin example) [trigger1, 500] call ALiVE_fnc_getDominantFaction (end)
But you can script in any kind of code to your mission
OPF_MTI_F = insurgents faction aka mas_med_opfi_hd