

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Tue Oct 13 21:24:25 2015
    D donkassim posted in HEADLESS CLIENT.

    cool man thanks

  2. Tue Oct 13 21:06:06 2015
    D donkassim started the conversation HEADLESS CLIENT.

    hello all, does alive support headless client ? and is it worth it to integrate it on a server ?
    any suggested guides to follow inorder to set it up ?

  3. Fri Oct 2 23:59:51 2015
    D donkassim posted in automatic assault mission.

    No, i dont want it to pause, i want to start assaulting both sides, and player can join in the action that is already taking place

  4. Mon Sep 28 14:29:32 2015
    D donkassim posted in automatic assault mission.

    yes thats correct, so if a player joins, he can follow the groups around and get the action, the same applies to the opposite faction also.

  5. Sat Sep 26 15:39:43 2015
    D donkassim posted in automatic assault mission.

    thanks, but i want to add it to the AI that spawns with ALive modules to go after the assault automatically

    so once the mission starts, AI forces start to head to the objective.

    possible ?

  6. Sat Sep 26 12:49:58 2015
    D donkassim started the conversation automatic assault mission.

    am creating a mission with the alivemod, all modules are set and all.

    i just require for the moment the mission starts, all ai to start assaulting enemies and moving around the map.
    the same with also opposing faction to start assaulting
    so when a player joins in they can see on going assaults which they can join.

    how can i set this up and where ? please advise, really appreciate any comments.



  7. 10 years ago
    Sun Jan 18 15:01:45 2015

    Which log should I link to here so that you can see ?
    Yea I followed all validation steps

  8. Sat Jan 17 22:14:05 2015

    Thanks that's exactly what I did but yet it doesn't show up in the war room

    Have placed it in arma 3 root directory on my server

  9. Sat Jan 17 14:36:07 2015
    D donkassim started the conversation alive config file for dedicated server.

    hello all, what if you are on a dedicated shared hosting and you don't have access to the os files then where do you place the alive server Config file


  10. Wed Jan 7 20:18:23 2015
    D donkassim started the conversation spawn in battle.

    Can anyone help me how to setup player respawn next to squad in battle

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