Last active 6 years ago
Still having persistence issues... If anyone has a chance here is a link to the mission. I dunno what is up. I can see all our members in the war-room map, all the movements we make etc, but when I do an alive server save, it defaults to the basic map start.!Apx8qxTMAgO3pGvXYdqy_SAbTXzg
Ok so having save issues, and nothing changed? It's reporting to the war room, but vehicles aren't staying where they were left? OPCOMS, ALIVE DATA, basically every module has the persistence set to yes.
I'll try that. The veh was placed at mission start, I drove it, hit it with AT and then saved, restarted the server. I'll try getting in it. Also I appreciate all the help!
Well I intentionally blew up a humvee saved, loaded and although the humvee was where I placed it, it was intact zero damage.
Yes! Also new question, I'm doing tests I blew up a VEH and did a server save when it rebooted the VEH was fine?
Sorry... So I think I have it figured out. When items are placed with the fortify tool they are not persistent. For whatever reason I also think someone in my unit uses a mod and it interferes with server saves, because I am successfully able to save now alone on the dedicated.
I got it working! I'm getting map updates, but when we move veh's and such and I do a save the save doesn't seem to work? I'm exiting as admin and doing a server save. Does it also save static weapons and such?
Still having war room issues, but before when I would save I'd get a screen that came up and showed a status. I'm not getting that at all on the dedicated, or when I host from my PC. Just wondering if there is an issue? Seems like the new update changed something?
The local save works fine locally, and it does work initially on the server. Seems like after we do something big or have been on the server for a while 1 hr or so it doesn't want to save.