

Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Mon May 21 17:44:56 2018

    I want to be able to have the OPF_G_F faction to only spawn the "Road Barricade #1" at a particular civ module's location (the default OPF_G_F checkpoints just don't look right). Is there a way to do this?

  2. Mon May 21 05:45:21 2018
    F FireDragon76 started the conversation surrendered units?.

    Today while testing Altis campaign that takes place around Kavala, I encountered a surrendered insurgent right when our helicopter finished its insertion. I guess he got scared and freaked out, courtesy of the bCombat mod I run along side VCom just to add a bit of extra psychological and suppressive effects. I searched him, removed his weapons, and left him there. Not having any mods to deal with captives, I just left him standing in the middle of the road and my team hopped into his truck and drove off.

    Now, what happens to a surrender AI when he becomes a virtual AI profile?

    I could also see some problems leaving him alive because the victory condition for the campaign is to have zero insurgent profiles, unless something eventually happens to surrendered AI? Maybe this is something for the ALiVE team to work on (I think surrendered AI should be deleted unless they are taken captive).

  3. Mon May 21 05:29:43 2018

    Honestly... fragging the random village isn't completely ahistorical giving the Vietnam context of Unsung. I just hope for better than history in my scenarios.

  4. Mon May 21 05:24:09 2018
    F FireDragon76 posted in VCom and ALiVE.

    VCOM just keeps getting better and better. Since I upgraded to the latest version a few days ago, I've noticed AI are very good at hiding out in buildings. Close quarters combat is really fun with this mod. It's more fun now to just hang out in cities because you never know what's behind that door.

  5. Mon May 21 04:08:46 2018
    F FireDragon76 started the conversation allied OPCOM's?.

    How would you all set up the sort of scenario where AAF and BluFor are allies, the FIA are insurgent. AAF is an occupation force, but Blufor is there to act as an advisor doing special operations and providing air support?

    I was thinking setting up BLUFOR as either Invasion or Asymetric, giving them only one TAOR (an airbase), putting in a hotzone for the FIA and having them occupy that, then having the general AO occupied by the AAF. Would this work, or would it lead to too much conflicting operations between allied sides?

    I have in the past had multiple factions share the same air command but when I tried to have AAF and Blufor share an airbase by connecting the AAF's OPCOM to BluFor's Air Commander, I got an error message warning me the Air Commander was connected to an OPCOM that was not side friendly (?)

  6. Mon May 21 01:15:30 2018
    F FireDragon76 posted in military air commander question.

    I solved this. The module was synced incorrectly.

  7. Sat May 19 06:56:57 2018
    F FireDragon76 posted in Ignore Objectives.

    A warning would be nice.

    I'm not running ALiVE as a server so I haven't noticed the RPT's. I'm just running it in singleplayer

    On some maps, the save files size increases if I do not filter the objectives. Altis in particular seems to generate alot of objectives. I actually made an Altis campgain that used half the map but the size of the save file was ridiculous (around 2 gigabytes), so I decided that was impractical. Singleplayer saving without filtering objectives works on a map like Stratis (or even the CUP Sahrani map), but on a larger and busier map I have decided that heavily filtering objectives and using a small AO is the way to go (and the files still seem large for some reason, vs. older/smaller maps).

    I've also noticed I can create distinctive "personalities" for factions by filtering out objectives, so different factions will occupy different kinds of objectives.

  8. Sat May 19 06:26:27 2018
    F FireDragon76 started the conversation sharing player support with AI army.

    In RL support is usually shared with multiple units and isn't always available (unless perhaps we are talking about spec ops). Is there a way to setup the support modules so that the players assets will not always be available because they are being used by the Military AI Commander or the Air Commander?

    On some of my designs, the level of support just seems unbalancing (too high). And there are only so many helipads or empty spots for support for the overall AI commander.

  9. Sat May 19 06:21:06 2018
    F FireDragon76 started the conversation military air commander question.

    In some of my designs I have a problem with the military air commander setting up. It just doesn't seem to be happening. Any clues as to what might cause this? I notice that in most cases the TRACE system is showing possible insurgent presence on most of the setups. But I've got the base TAOR's blacklisted. MIlitary AI Commander doesn't garrison the base further, in fact it takes away units to go fight insurgents elsewhere.

    In the past I have gotten the air commander setup but perhaps something has changed about my designs.

  10. Thu May 17 13:57:35 2018
    F FireDragon76 started the conversation "We have to burn the village to save the village"?.

    In occupation/asymetric scenarios, I have noticed a tendency in my AI setup (VCOM) for the occupying force to be relentless with any support assets. I have to wonder, though, if this doesn't make the CIV's unhappy to have their village leveled? I am not clued into the inner workings of the CIV AI. What makes civs more or less hostile?

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