

Last active 2 years ago

  1. 4 years ago
    Tue Feb 25 04:15:18 2020

    Dear @shi4stone here is my experience on the subjects that you mentioned:

    i do notice if there is only one objective in the placement area, the units tends to stuck together

    Yes, I have encountered the same issue with only one objective on the placement area, so I tend to place a lot of TAORs and manage their filters to achieve what I need!

    but do opcom takes into account terrain to objective? because it seems always attack in direction with better roads first but not in the hilly area even if the enemy is very close by

    I believe that "pathing" or "pathfinding" is doing something like this but I am not really sure. Cannot really answer this question!

    Another strange thing though the virtual profile on map does not seems to be fully updated when debug activated. some profile has either moved or died, but still show on map, and wont spawn unit if player is close by

    Some times, enemy "objects" have not really been set to "dead" state and/or are still on "revive"/"unconsious" state so profiles actually are not "dead"/"destroyed" so, they probably are recognized as "alive" profiles. Sometimes, during my test runs I check this with Zeus.

    What's the difference in faded color profile vs stronger colored ones?

    Faded profiles are not spawned and the bold ones are the spawned profiles (the ones that players can actually fight/see/interact with). Hope I helped, send me what else you may need! Cheers mate!

  2. Mon Feb 24 13:55:44 2020

    Dear @shi4stone although the post is pretty old, I STRONGLY BELIEVE that the problem was the number of the objectives that I had set on the map. Also, from my small experience with ALiVE, I believe that OPCOMs have a bit of an issue with huge amounts of profiles spawned on a single objective! I would recommend you to lower the number of objectives and maybe spread the huge amount of starting forces to maybe 2-3-4 objectives. If you do not have such objectives near the starting location of your liking on the map you use, you can set Custom Objectives and use them like spawn points (although some of the spawning units WILL stay put to guard it!). Another thing that I have encountered with placing modules is that when the forces are set to really high numbers (not the manual ones but the presets the module has (like "platoon (30-60)", "company (100-400)" etc.) the profiles that spawn do not always correspond to the actuall settings! Please, try my suggestions out and send me a feed back here. Cheers

  3. Sat Feb 22 15:20:27 2020
    arismagic posted in AliVE Asymmetric Questions..

    Hey there @Vernox . I am not an expert but I will try to answer your questions to my best!

    1. Killing insurgents, dismantling insurgency's installations (IED Factories, Recruitment Centers, Roadblocks etc.) will lower the hostility IF I AM NOT MISTAKEN!!

    2. I am not sure but I believe that "this is the end!". Especially if no Recruitment Centers have been left!

    3. Refering to the info of the 1st answer, I believe that there is a way to lower the hostility and get the intel you need eventually! (If you ask me, I believe that would be a great campaing theme to start with really high civ hostility towards your side and try to lower it to get the intel you need to eradicate the insurgencts' presence on a mission! Would need a huge amount of effort and will make players way more carefull of how they use their powerful assets like Attack Helicopters, Battle Tanks, some really powerful IFVs etc.)

    4. Not sure at all about how the OPCOM decides the ambush places BUT I have encountered ambushes from insurgents more than once on my test plays (I do not have a server or a Unit to give you more long term info on this). So, players CAN encounter ambushes on main roads and while they are patrolling in general. From my experience, enemies on ambushes use explosives like IED, M112s and mines, so ambushes DO differ from random enemy encounters!

    5.There is some really nice info about this on the Wiki. Asymmetric Commanders are trying to do the most damage with the least amount of effort and troops. If I am correct, OPCOMs, do not control AI directly, they control mostly Virtualized Groups so, I believe that the behaviour of the spawned AI, goes to ArmA 3 AI and any mods that you may use to change or modify this. What I believe asymmetric OPCOMs do is that they deviate their Virtualized Groups depending on their need which are (as said before) to make the most damage with the least effort and of course on the whole map and NOT only the front lines! (That's what insurgents do!)

    Hope I am not wrong (of far away from the facts) on the info that I gave here and I hope that I managed to help even a bit. Cheers!

  4. Thu Feb 6 09:30:29 2020
    arismagic posted in RHSPKL Index for ALiVE (OUTDATED).

    LOVE YOU...

    Although, I have to ask... Is all that I have to do, putting it in the @ALiVE\indexing folder?

    Thanks in advance @AndreaG97

  5. Wed Feb 5 16:01:01 2020

    What Faction are you using mate? map? I found out that the RHSUSAF US Army Faction was the problem for me. I mean, when I changed the faction to vanilla, it seems that the problem solved! I am sorry for the late reply @duracelle

  6. Sat Oct 19 16:21:59 2019

    Hello there again everyone. Once again (as a super noob) I encountered a problem that I can't seem to find a solution for the last !3 weeks!. My problem is with Military Logistics (ML). When the mission starts on my dedicated server (not extentendly tested SP or Localy hosted) OPCOMs and I can call reinforcements/replacements normally from an infinite (10,000 units) pool. After some time (approximately 30-90 minutes in the game) for an unknown to me reason OPCOMs and players cannot call in reinforcements anymore. I have tried almost all possible combinations (static/dynamic reinforcements, on an airfield as a Mil. Obj., on Custom Obj. with highest priority, I even changed the map(from Kunduz to Tanoa)) but nothing worked for me, ALWAYS the same problem. One thing that I managed to find is that the choppers that get the replacements in, for some unknown reason stay idle over the LZ and they never unload the reinforcements not even when they are profiled (not spawned). Another thing that seems pretty strange to me is that even when the reinforcements seem to work they start from an Idle objective (be it on static or dynamic) when the Wiki says that the Objective MUST be in Reserve. I really do not know what else I can do. Any ideas are welcome.

    Thank you all in advance.

  7. Wed Oct 2 22:57:58 2019

    I really like MRH' mods (both of em!) and I also use ADV Medical and KAT advnace medical!

    I also liked a lot the LRG Fundamentals from Mokka and MitchJC (I have already posted it here but for our convinience I re-posting it). Among others, I asked them to add a function that locks 1st person camera when you are on vehicles. (I play 3rd person which I know may be considered corner cheating (but I do not do it... I just like seeing my avatar, not cheating. I change a lot between 1st and 3rd) but in vehicles, it is SUPER cheating and I just wanted to have the fun but the vehicle 3rd person was too much.) and they actually did it in less than an hour!

  8. Wed Oct 2 22:50:38 2019

    Alright then... Problem [SOLVED] :D

  9. Wed Oct 2 22:15:51 2019

    @YonV mate, I believe that the last part of the name that you give on the marker, will set the chopper automatically as it is from the FACTION that the chopper is taken from! Did you tried it out? (I haven't, it is just a speculation!)

  10. Wed Oct 2 22:02:38 2019
    arismagic posted in Roadblock Headaches.

    @UncreatedLemon91 I have the same issue with all my roadblocks! And actually I didn't even know that it was possible to remove them before I read this post! :/

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