

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Mon Feb 8 19:04:17 2016

    When if ever could we possibly expect an official release on steam?

  2. Mon Feb 8 19:02:00 2016
    onedigita posted in CUP Factions?.

    afirm, ill be happy with what ever we get ! :)

  3. Fri Feb 5 16:58:02 2016
    onedigita posted in CUP Factions?.

    @Tupolov Just checked and ALiVE will need to issue an update in the next release... Will try to get this out the door ASAP as we are due a release :)

    every day I wake up waiting for the next ALiVE release!!!! its been a while so im expecting some interesting things! :D

  4. Fri Feb 5 03:27:52 2016
    onedigita posted in CUP Factions?.

    ok ill post it there aswell. one other thing i noticed. there is no logo for cup units in arma when it loads up even tho there available in game. anyone else notice that?

  5. Fri Feb 5 03:11:40 2016
    onedigita posted in CUP Factions?.

    I am trying to use the CUP_O_TK_MILITIA and CUP_O_TK factions and its giving me an error saying that its an incorrect faction and that it might use the default one?

  6. Wed Nov 11 01:24:46 2015
    onedigita started the conversation Profiled units priority?.

    this is more of a feature request. I want to be able to create a very life like base for my players but I want it all to be profiled threw alive so it will not gum up the resources when no one is at base.

    My idea would be something you could add in the inti to give it a priority. so I could make a massive base, have it profiled but no matter how many other units are already spawned in when ever some one goes back to the base it will still spawn in those units. Obviously this wouldn't affect the maximum about of units that are able to be spawned.

    Any thoughts or ideas related to this?

  7. Wed Nov 11 01:20:57 2015
    onedigita started the conversation make a certain player not spawn units.

    I was just wondering if there was something I could put in the init for a player slot that would make it so it dosent profile any units. its for an opfor side and I don't want the players to spawn ai, only the blufor should be able to spawn them in. if both happen it will dampen the number of enemy ai units for the blufor? any ideas?

  8. Thu Oct 29 16:43:20 2015
    onedigita posted in Stuck in loading screen.

    So my mission used to take a long time to load up, I changed a few things which I cant remember and now my mission can take upwards of a 30 minutes or longer to load. example 8 minutes to load the mil cqb 14 for the amb civ, 28 minutes for the mil_cqb module.

    I am getting spammed these error's

    2015/10/29, 12:03:44 0:18:27.829 (1.126) [x\alive\addons\sys_viewdistance\fnc_vDist.sqf:55] -ERROR- L Alpha 3-1:1

    2015/10/29, 12:12:44 Error Undefined variable in expression: _state
    2015/10/29, 12:12:44 File x\alive\addons\fnc_analysis\fnc_liveAnalysis.sqf, line 514
    2015/10/29, 12:12:53 Error in expression <con = "mil_unknown";
    _text = "";
    switch(_state) do {
    case "reserve":{
    _icon = "m>
    2015/10/29, 12:12:53 Error position: <_state) do {
    case "reserve":{
    _icon = "m>

    2015/10/29, 12:11:34 LOP_AM_BTR60: HatchCommander - unknown animation source hatchCommander
    2015/10/29, 12:12:23 Error in expression <con = "mil_unknown";
    _text = "";
    switch(_state) do {
    case "reserve":{
    _icon = "m>

  9. Fri Oct 23 00:53:51 2015

    Can I link more than one taor to marker? if so would it look like this on the input line for that?

    taor01, taor02, taor03... and so on?

  10. Mon Oct 19 20:11:00 2015
    onedigita posted in Mission rewards?.

    I had a similar idea, a mission that gets sent to all the factions and they have to fight over it and against ai. than have rewards like air drop of vehicles or supplies.

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